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Kaifar's Pov

I watched her.

A bit creepy I know but still I did, she was nothing like I expected and yet at the same time everything I expected when she had her sudden outbursts.

May Anderson was a fucking paradox. That was it. And in the span of four weeks we've become enemies yet here I was watching her.

We were in Kari's room again because heaven forbids that we go into my room and she notices something that she shouldn't because they're a lot of things that she shouldn't but guessing by how observant she is, she will.

"Done ogling me?" She asks and I scoff, "I wasn't, I was thinking." I retort and she shrugs "Whatever helps you sleep at night." She says turning back to her sketchpad.

This was why I hated her,she had a way of getting deep into my skin, most times my bone with ease. It was unnerving especially in the light of what I had to do.

My work would have been easier if she was like every other girl, if she was the girl they described. But as it turns out she isn't.

Imagine waiting for a girl who made grade school, junior high and most of senior high hell for your friend. Imagine expecting a bully who's broken fingers, knocked out tooth's and emotionally destroyed people.

And when she finally arrives, she's different.

Instead of a bully, you get a girl who fights a bully to rescue a complete stranger, a haphephobic girl, someone that's suffering from nightmares, someone that's using her spare time to turn a literature text into a comic for her dyslexic friend and as it is mentally unstable.

I rub my face in exasperation and she glanced at me before turning back to her sketchpad.

     "Are you done with your section?" She asks and I nod handing it over to her, "Here's mine if you want to go over it." She says handing me a jotter.

      "What about Kari's part?" I ask and she shrugs turning to stare at Kari who was fast asleep "Well I guess we're going to spend another day working on it then." I say and she simply shrugs.

      "You can go home now if you want to.." I say and she nods "I know that, I just don't want to go home now."  She says and I stare at her.

      "Why not?" I ask and she sighs "Because I don't have the strength to pretend." She replies dropping her sketchpad and lying on her back, her left hand slung over her face.

        "So you're just going to hide here till when?" I ask and there's a shrug "Till it's over."  She replies and I nod.

     "Do you know any.." I begin but get cut off when Kam comes into the room yelling that he's back. When no one replied he grins "And I brought food."  He says and May sits up quickly sporting a big smile.

  "Welcome back my hero." She says opening her arms wide. "Is that for him or the food?"I ask "Kam may be a hero but it's the food that my heart belongs to." She says and Kam places his hand to his chest to show that he's hurt.

       "You hurt me with your words fair maiden." He says and she grins "Well since that has been established where's the food?" She asks as Kam sits down dropping a bag on the floor.

         "Oooh Chinese." May says grinning as she brings out the food from the bag and arranged them.

       When we're about to eat she suddenly stops "Shouldn't we wake Kari up?" She asks and I and Kam stare at ourselves before shaking out head no.

      "Alright but if he wakes up and he's upset I'm going to say that you two threatened to starve me if I woke him up." She says digging into her meal.

       "Who's threatening to starve you?" Miriam asks and May points at I and Kam.

        "Is that true?" She asks and we both shake our head no "I believe May anyway." She says coming to sit down next to us and taking the extra box of food.

         "Come sit by my side May." Miriam suddenly says and May shakes her head "Nah I'm okay here." She replies through a stuffed mouth.

        "You're sitting by the door as if you're preparing to bolt at any moment,   I won't let you stay there." She says and May flushes.

        I've come to observe something about May during our interactions and admittedly through watching her.

       When she feels like she's outnumbered... like the only girl in the midst of guys or they're few girls and more guys, she starts moving slowly toward the nearest exit.

       Just like she did now when it was just her and the three of us, even if Kari was sleeping, she always stays by the doorway whenever we're working on the project, but I didn't feel like calling her out on that.

        Grabbing her meal she moves slowly to Miriam's side and sits there and Miriam gives her a smile "Much better, now tell me why this two idiots were threatening to starve you." Miriam says and May grins, pausing to swallow before she starts talking.

         Soon everyone's talking and laughing while we eat and I'm back to watching her discreetly, trying to find more than a bit of the girl that Daya described, trying to find enough to tell me that May Anderson deserves to be put through the hell that I intend to send her to, enough to reassure me that May Anderson is a fucking monster.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara