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"How'd you manage to piss off Mrs Darren with just two sentences?" Jonas asks and I shrug "I'm still in shock, it happened so fast." I say and he snorts, "Yeah right." he says as we reach my locker and he leans by my locker, "So how am I supposed to go home now?" He asks and I shrug.

"Wait for an hour?" I say and he shakes his head, "I gotta be somewhere in thirty minutes." he says as I shove books into my bag "Where?" I ask turning to face him and he shrugs "C'mon tell me.." I plead and he sighs "I'vegotadate." He mumbles quickly "Didn't hear a thing care to repeat that?" I ask and he groans "I've got a date." He says clearly now and I grin.

"Awww..you finally asked Mei out." I say and he sighs without replying "What's that sigh for?" I ask and he folds his arms "It's not Mei.." he says and I raise a brow "He doesn't feel the same way, he likes someone else and that someone isn't me." He says sadly and I close my locker before sitting on the floor and pat the space next to me and he raises a brow "Come sit so I don't look like an idiot." I say and he scoffs "You already look like an idiot." He says but still sits.

"From what I hear it's a shitty feeling when the person you like doesn't like you back but hey, at least you didn't embarrass yourself by confessing to Mei how you feel and you've got a date huh, so yours is still pretty good." I say and he looks at me.

"That's it?" He asks and I nod "Yup. I'm done." I say and he scoffs "Really? That's it?" He asks and I nod "Uh huh.." and he laughs "You suck at this kind of stuff." He says laughing and I grin "At least I tried..and I made a solid point." I say and he raises a brow "What point did you make?" He asks and I fold my arm "Well.." I begin but falter "Well what?" He asks laughing "Just hitch a ride home from Kam and go for your date, I got detention." I say and he laughs as we get up.

" Solid point huh?" He snickers and I flip him the finger "Yeah I love you too babes." He says as he turns to leave "Knock 'em out JoJo!" I yell and this time he flips me the finger.

Locking my locker I head to Mrs Darren's class where I'll be spending my one hour detention and the moment I walk in she glares at me "You're fifteen minutes late Ms Anderson." She says and I stare at my watch and my detention slip. "I'm five minutes early Mrs Darren, perhaps you need to get a new watch." I say and her frown tightens "Take a seat while we wait for the rest." She says before turning back to grading assignments or whatever teachers stuff she was doing.

Ten minutes later the door opens and Kaifar walks in "I see you've found your way here, if you may sit down so we can start." Mrs Darren says and I sigh "Just shoot me now." I mutter and he stares at me "Gladly but I didn't bring any firearm." He says before dropping unto the seat by my side while I go back to working on my assignment.

"10...9...8..." Kaifar starts again and I sigh "Can you please stop it?" I ask and he raises a brow "Stop what?" He asks in a lazy drawl "The counting..it's annoying." I say and he shrugs "I'm bored." He says "And? Did you see the word entertainer tattooed on my forehead?" I ask and he shrugs "7...6..5.." he continues with the counting.

"For the love of anything you cherish stop it." I say and he stares at me "Make me." He says and I sigh, it's been less than fifteen minutes since he walked in and we've had this conversation four times, this was the fifth time.

"You're an ass." I say angrily and he shrugs "You're a piece of shit but you don't see me complaining." He says and I glare at him.

"Let's do this, I'll stop counting if you have a friendly chat with me." He suddenly says out of nowhere and I scoff "Why don't we do this, you shut up and I go back to sketching on the table?" I say and he shrugs "Your choice baby girl." He says and I glare.

"4..3..2...1...100..99.." he begins and I groan "Fiiiiiinnne....let's chat." I say and he grins "I knew you're smart." He says and I roll my eyes. "Get on with it then." I mutter and he nods "As her highness wishes."

"What is one memory that you hope you never, ever forget?" He asks and I frown at him "What sort of question is that?" I ask and he chuckles "I'm kidding, you should've seen your face." He says and I frown.

"Where'd you move from, like where are you coming from?" He asks and I shrug "New York." I answer as I continue sketching.. "The big Apple, or is that Washington?" He asks and I shrug "I honestly don't know the answer to that." I say and he nods.

"So why'd you move? Everyone literally wants to go there." He says and I shrug "Parents felt I was running with the wrong group." I say and he grins "Were you?" He asks and I shrug.."Maybe.." I say and he scoffs "C'mon, you can't leave a guy hanging. "If you're that guy, then yeah, I can." I say and he nods "Fair enough.." he says and I nod.

"So what's like you're favourite meal?" He asks and I shrug.."Anything with meat, sweet,and chocolate." I say and he raises a brow "All in one meal?" He asks and I scoff "Of course not." I say and he nods "Uh huh.." he says and I frown "I get a feeling you don't believe me." I say and he grins "You don't say.." he says.

"Next question.." I say and he taps his jaw.. "Let me think.." he says just as the bell rings and I pick up my bag "See ya later Anderson, we'll continue this." He says and I shrug as I leave.

Soooo, what just happened?

Happy New year
Love Zie

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя