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As we walked towards the hallway murmurs were heard everywhere and I increased my pace "May hold up." Alison called but I kept on walking.

Pushing my way through the bodies that blocked my path I arrived in the middle of the circle that was made by the students and I looked around to see where the screams were coming from till I heard it again.

Looking down I saw Mei pushed down on the ground with someone's leg on his chest.
"C'mon, don't you want to be a real man huh?" a familiar voice taunts him and I watch him struggle to get up before the foots suddenly pushes him back down and he hits his chest against the tiles in a hard way.

Mei is about to scream but the guy tuts "Scream and I'll increase the amounts you've got to do." the guy says just as Alison and Jonas reach me.

"That's Mei." I say and Jonas nods, "He's been bullied for the longest time." He says and I nod "Why?" I ask and he shrugs "I don't know." He says as I take my earrings off and tie my hair up.

"What are you doing?" Alison asks and I shrug, "Stretching." I say and she frowns "Why?" Jonas asks and I shrug handing him my earring and jacket."I'm going to grab Mei." I say giving them my biggest smile "Don't, Kevin doesn't care if you're a girl." Beverly says and I smile "He shouldn't." before walking into the ring.

"Tell me which of the reasons suits you?" I ask rolling my sleeves up and unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt.

"You talking to me?" Kevin asks and I grin "Who else?" I ask and he grin, "I'll give you the chance to leave now newbie." He says and I fold my arms "Its May for future reference." I say and he grins before turning back to Mei.

"C'mon champ, we've got ten more to do thanks to May." He says and I scoff. "You should let him go while you can walk properly." I say and he turns around "Say what?" He asks turning around to stare at me.

"Leave while you can still walk properly." I said and he laughs placing his feet on Mei and I move to him. "You going to move it or I should move it for you?" I ask and he shrugs "You should move it." He says and I grin "With pleasure I say before I grab his feet and flip him over.

There's a murmur from the crowd and I grab Mei before pushing him towards Jonas. " Get him out of here." I say and he nods as I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, taking control of the panic rising I take hold of the hand and flip it around and I hear the pop.

"You broke my shoulder!" He screams and I shrug, "No I didn't, I simply dislocated it." I say turning to the other guy, "C'mon, I haven't had lunch yet." I say and he charges forward hitting me in the shoulder and I grin, "I've felt worse pain than that.. Wanna try again?" I ask and he raises his hand again about to strike again but I grab his arm.

"I'll dislocate your shoulder but where's the fun in that?" I say as I ram my knee into his solar plexus and let him crumple.

"Oh look Kevin's getting up." I say turning around to get a punch and I stagger backwards.

"You were saying?" He asks and I grin "We'll look so good with matching injuries I say giving him a punch "See?" I say as I wiggle my fingers "Ow!! That hurt." I say and he advances to strike back but his hand's remain up.

"We've warned you, about this haven't we?" I hear Kaifar says as he walks into the circle, or rather struts in along with Kamir and Karim.

"Longest time Kai." Kevin says and Kaifar grins "Really long, remember what happened the last time we chatted?" He asks and I scoff "Are you okay?" Kamir asks and I grin "I'm fine..I got them good." I say and Kamir smiles "Yeah you did." he says and I turn to Kaifar who's saying something to Kevin who's paling very fast, he looks scary so I understand his fear.

"What's he telling him?" I ask and Karim smiles at me "Nothing that you should be bothered with." He says and I raise a brow..."Really? I don't need you guys to fight for me." I say moving towards him and he raises his hands up on surrender "I can see that May. I'm Karim." He says stretching his hands and I nod "I've heard." I say taking his hand quickly and remove it fast.

"Hey my hands are clean." He says and I roll my eyes "Sure they are." I say and he laughs, "You've got spunk, I'll give you that." He says and I grin "You're not a total stereotypical jock, I'll give you that." I say and Karim laughs "Now I see why Kam hangs out with you." He says and I scoff.

"So you just had to go and pick a fight with Kevin then drag us in to save you." Kaifar says when he reaches us and I scoff as I rebuttoned my shirt "I didn't pick a fight with anyone Kaifar, I simply went to save Mei, it just so happened that Kevin there didn't want to give him up without a fight. What did you want me to do? Leave him there?" I ask and he frowns.

"So you're trying to say it wasn't you that Kevin was bullying?" Karim asks and I stare at him "Do I look like someone that'll be bullied?" I ask and he shakes his head "More of a bully." Kaifar says and I roll my eyes.

"So you intended to be a hero but you got beaten and needed saving instead...nice." Kaifar says again and I glare at him "I didn't need you or anyone to save me Kaifar, and as for me getting beaten, that's a bit of an exaggeration isn't it? I'm pretty sure Kevin and his pals there will agree don't you?" I say arranging myself and start going back.

"Where are you going?" Kamir asks and I turn to smile at him "Rule one of Fighting; always leave the crime scene. And I've got to wash up." I call out and he follows me.

I stop at the closest washing sink and begin to wash my face first before washing my hands again and again and again.

"May you're hands are clean enough." Kamir says and I shake my head, "I can still feel them..." I mutter washing my hand "Its clean enough May!" He says in a loud voice and I nod turning the tap off.

"Thanks." I mutter and he sighs "I'm sorry I yelled." He says and I shrug, "Its alright." I say walking off "Where are you going?" He asks and I smile "To the cafeteria, I'm hungry." I shout and he laughs "You coming?" I ask and he grins "Wait up." he calls out and I grin "Race you there!" I yell as we start running.
....Maybe coming here wasn't so bad eh... I think as we race...just maybe..

Soooo, a longer chapter this time..
Read, vote and share...
Xoxo Aria..:)

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