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    If you thought that because of what happened that day on the roof that Kaifar and I became friends, well I'm sorry to inform you that we didn't.

     In fact the animosity grew worse, it was like we were determined to hate ourselves no matter what.

      "I thought you said you guys had a conversation during the great sleepover?" Kam asks as we walk to our lunch table for the third time.

      The first time Kaifar mistakenly tipped my meal over, the second time I mistakenly spilled my meal on him, hence the third time and this time Kam's carrying the tray to prevent mistakes from occurring.

         "Well we did, but that doesn't make us friends." I say and he sighs "It'll be better for everyone if you guys just put your animosity to rest." He says and shrug just as Kaifar walks back into the cafeteria.

         Seeing me, he flips his middle finger and I reciprocate the gesture "Yo Kai!" Kam calls out and Kaifar stops raising a brow at his brother who motions for him to come.

        "You called." Kaifar says in a bored tone but Kam just grins, "Yeah, today's Thursday." He says in a duh tone "And?" Kaifar asks "We eat lunch together every Thursday." He says and Kaifar take a glance at me before shaking his head.

         "No way..." He begins but Kam cuts him off "You're eating lunch with us or else." He says and Kaifar folds his arms "You're really going to play that card huh?" He asks and Kam just grins "Lead the way then." He mutters in defeat.

       "Guys make space, lots of it fatso coming through." I say as we get to our lunch table and I notice Karim's already there.

        "Who you calling fat?" Kaifar asks and I shrug "The person that finished two bags of chocolate in thirty minutes." I say taking my place between Beverly and Alison while Kaifar and Kam place themselves between Karim and Jonas.

         "If looks could kill I'd be dead." Kaifar mutters and I look up to see my friends glaring at Kaifar and I chuckle "You guys should ease up or he'll piss his pants." I say and they all laugh but soon they're back to glaring at him.

       "Guys.." I say and there's a collective sigh "We don't like you, at all, what you did to May's locker was sick, but we'll stop glaring at you because she's asking and also because I'm not sure how long Mei can keep that face up." Jonas says and I look at Mei who seems to be struggling with keeping his glare in place.

     "I don't trust you, but your Kamir's brother but if you do anything to May again I'll come for you, trust me nerds are the craziest." Beverly suddenly says before she starts eating.

              "I don't even want to be here." Kaifar mutters and I scoff "We don't want you to be here." I reply "Children." Kam and Kari say at the same time and we both keep quiet.

     "What a buzz kill it's fun watching them argue and you guys stopped it." Mei mutters and I scoff "Major Buzzkill." I say giving a mock salute then stop when I notice that Kaifar's also doing the same.

       "You guys were totally in  sync just now." Kari says and I look at Kaifar "How I Met your Mother huh?" I ask and he grins "Yep".

        "That's like the only thing I can compliment you on, good taste in movies." I say and he glares "See, progress." Kari begins but gets cut off "Shut up!" I and Kaifar both say and the table laughs.

        Conversation begins and even Kaifar has joined in the conversation, occasionally I join but I'm more focused on my sketchbook.

        "Does the fact that I'm here bug you?" I hear Kaifar say and I look up "No it doesn't, if it did I'd have said so." I say and he raises a brow, "So what's the reason for your silence and non participation." He asks and I sigh.

           "O Mr observer, shouldn't you have noticed that I only contribute when it's over something I like or its really important to my friends." I say and they murmur in agreement.

          "I don't believe you." He says and I give an exaggerated sigh "You don't have too." I say turning back to my sketchbook.

       "What did we talk about last? Mei was so passionate about it." He says exaggerating the word passionate.

       "Really? You want me to prove it to you?" I ask and he smiles "Why not, weren't you listening?" He asks in such an annoying tone that I can feel it in my bones.

         "Sad to say Mei, with much regrets on my part, I'm going to have to agree with Kaifar, Thor over Aquaman." I say and Kaifar pumps his fist in the air.

       "Yes!" Kaifar says then pauses before starting at me and raising a brow "What now?" I ask and he folds his arms "Go on?" He says and it's my turn to raise a brow.

         "With what?" I ask "Your snarky comeback for being right that you were right about paying attention." He says or rather murmurs and I grin "You helped me by admitting that you were wrong." I say before turning back to my sketchbook.

           "What are you doodling?" Kaifar asks after some time and the whole table goes silent.

       "I. Don't. Doodle." I say slowly looking up at him, maybe if it was anybody else, I wouldn't have gotten that angry but it was the fact that Kaifar knew that I hated my drawings being called doodles was what annoyed the hell out of me.

       "Sketch, doodle..same thing, Potato, Potatoh." He says and I press my lips together before glancing at everyone.

          "I'm not even going to reply that." I say and Kaifar grins "Yet you just did.' he says with triumph.


May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now