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In the past week since I saved Mei from Kevin, he's taken to sitting with us during lunch and his free time.

Throughout those times we've realized something's about him, he's extremely smart, like really really smart.

And then there's the fact that although he doesn't look like it, once he warms up to people he talks a lot and he says whatever he thinks...
He literally has no filter between his brain and his mouth and he's proving it once again here in the library.

"Haphephobic much?" Mei suddenly asks after I cringed when his hand's brushes over mine and I glare at him.

"What?" He asks sitting down and dropping his bag. "I'm not haphephobic." I say going back to reading.

"Really?" He asks and I nod "Give me a hug then." He says and I raise a brow, "C'mon...just one quick hug." He says and glare at him.

"My point exactly, you fear touch from the opposite gender for some reason." He says and I grate my teeth. "Stop." Jonas says looking up from his sketch.

"Why? I'm not saying anything wrong." He retorts before turning to stare at me "So who hurt you?" He asks and I glare at him again.. "If you don't shut up I will be hurting you." I say and he smiles.

"Hmmmn, tell me something I haven't heard before. Now back to our conversation don't you think you should be getting therapy?" He asks and I'm about to say something when Kam suddenly drops unto the empty space near me.

"Therapy for what?" He asks and Mei smiles "May is haphephobic." He answers and I hold my pencil tighter. "Haphephobic huh?" Kam asks and Mei nods, "Isn't it obvious? She freezes anytime one of us guys touch her." He explains and Kam nods "So?" He asks and Mei gives a dramatic eye roll.

"I suggested therapy." He says "That might help." Kam says and I scoff packing up my things "I've had enough." I say as I get up and wear my earphones.

"C'mon May, you don't have to be so touchy about it." Mei whisper yells as I walk out of the library.

"May wait up!" I hear Mei call out but I pretend that I can't hear him. "I know for a fact that you can hear me May!" He yells and I keep going till I hear a crash from behind and I turn to see Mei crumpled on the floor.

Giving an eye roll I turn back towards him and extend an arm towards him. "You sure?" He asks and I nod "There's a sink nearby." I say and he frowns before grabbing my hand and pulling himself up.

"May, let your body relax now, nothing bad is going to happen to you." He says and I give a small sigh before walking.

"About what I said earlier.." He starts and I sigh "Drop it please." I say and he shakes his head.. "Can't.. my cousin was haphephobic before.. the moment you touched her, she go into shock..kinda sucked. And it sucks too now cause we're friends and I can't even give you a hug or anything." He says tilting his head to stare at me while I wash my hands.

"I don't want to be this way.." I say softly and he nods "I know you don't, that's why I suggested therapy." He says and I shake my head.

"I know I must've really annoyed you there." He says and I scoff "Nothing new, you're always annoying." I say and he scoffs "I'm the most charming person you'll ever meet." He says and I scoff.

"Why'd you want to give me a hug?" I ask and he grins "For being my hero.." He says in a duh tone. "Well hold on to that hug till I'm ready to receive it." I say and he nods.

"What?" He suddenly asks when he realizes I'm staring at him "I'm beginning to wonder why I even decided to save your ass." I say and he rolls his eyes "That's easy, I'm small and really cute." He says in a matter of fact tone and I scoff "Cute is debatable but small is definitely true." I say motioning to his height.

"Hey!!! My height is suitable for my age." He says and I scoff "You're older but I'm taller." I say sticking my tongue out.

"This child.." He mutters and I laugh

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now