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   Classes went by quickly and soon it was lunch time and I headed out of my literature class to my locker where I met Alison who was slamming her locker shut.

       "Hey." I said swapping my books for the ones I needed."Ali?" I called out when she didn't answer and turned to see her slumped on the ground with her back against the locker.

        "Hey what's up with you?" I asked moving into the same position she was in and stretching my leg.

      "Was it Helen?" I asked and she shook her head "Then what's it?" I asked staring at her and she sighed before handing me a piece of folded paper and I unfold it to see her chemistry test result.

       "You got a B." I state and she nods "I wanted an A, not a B." she mutters sniffing and I sigh "B is not exactly the worst result.." I begin and she snorts "To you maybe." She says and I sigh.

        "Its not bad, you don't always have to get an A. You should understand that by now." I say and she sniffs "But..." She begins her lips trembling "No buts,so what if you didn't get an A? Its not like you got an F or anything. That's what you and Maddox fail to understand." I say and she stares at me.

       "Who's Maddox?" She asks and I shake my head getting up, "Forget it, I'm going to have lunch, you coming or you'll rather cry about your B?" I ask and she frowns grabbing her stuff and getting up.

        As we walk into the cafeteria she nudges my shoulder "You're quite mean you know?" She says and I nod "I'll take that as a compliment I say and she laughs as we head to the cafeteria.

     The cafeteria is packed as we enter and Alison stands back, "We should wait till it gets less busy." She says and I snort before grabbing her and shoving people out of the way as we head to the lunch line.

        "May, I'm not sure we should do this." She says as people murmur and I glare at them. "We're already here so what's the use?" I ask and she sighs "I thought they were going to lynch us." She says and I smile. "Don't worry I'll protect you if that happens." I say and she laughs.

        "How about me? Will you also protect me?" a familiar voice asks and I turn to see Kamir smiling at me and I shrug "Should I? After all you rule the school." I say and he laughs.

I wonder if Kaifar looks that way when he laughs. The May upstairs says and I puke in my mind. Where did that even come from?

Um, up here, from me mini May. She answers and I shut the conversation down.

       "Hello!!Earth to May." Alison calls and I smile at her, "I was just thinking of how different you and Kaifar are." I say to Kamir and he smiles, "People tend to say that." He says as we grab our meals and leave Alison trying to decide if she wants chocolate milk or plain milk.

     "Hey babe, wanna join me for lunch?" Someone says more like breaths into my ear as their hand snakes round my waist and I feel it....the spiders.

       "No thanks." I mutter struggling to contain my uneasiness and break free, but with the spiders crawling under my skin its hard.

    "C'mon  babe, I don't bite, maybe just a little." He says and I shake my head "I don't want too." I say but he still doesn't release me.

     "You heard her didn't you?" Kamir finally speaks perhaps sensing my uneasiness. "Why? She's not yours is she? She's fair game from what I hear." He says.

    Fair game?! Who are calling a game here?! The little May shouts putting on her boxing gloves.

   "Let her be Andrews, she's not interested." Kamir says again in a lower and scarier voice this time, and the Andrews finally let's me go "See you later babe." He says as he leaves but by then all I can feel are the spiders crawling all over me.

      "May, are you alright?" Kamir asks moving forward and I take a step back not willing to be touched by anyone. "I'm fine.." I say through my teeth. "May?" Alison calls out, worry lacing her tone as she meets up.

   We must look really bad then...mini May says and I frown.
"Alison can you take this?" I ask motioning to my tray and she nods placing it on top of hers. "Will you be back before the bell rings?" She asks and I shake my head "I doubt it." I say before rushing out.

     "May!!" I hear Kamir call but I keep on running till I reach where I'm going, which is the school's locker room for the girls and grab a towel before stripping and hanging my clothes and heading into a stall and turn on the water to the hottest it could get too and use my hands to scrub my body as hard as I can before I slump down on the floor and start crying while the shower washes the dirt I feel as well as the spiders.

       I don't want to be like this...I think after I'm done crying and I turn the shower off.

This is kinda shorter than the other chapters in this book, but its an update😀😀 I'll probably update tomorrow again, my updating schedule is still irregular though...I'll try and fix one.
But here's one that throws more light into what goes on with May...
Thanks for reading lovelies😘😘😘, remember to vote and comment too, very important..


May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora