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Kaifar's POV

"What'd you do to get May that wound up?" Karim asks turning to stare at me from his seat and I sigh "Why me?" I ask and he shrugs "You're always antagonising her." He answers and I frown, "I've stopped since you two asked me too." I say and look out the window.

"Did you see how she looked when she was talking to Helen, heard she looked different. " he says and I scoff "She looked dangerous." I say and Kamir sighs..."What?" I and Karim ask at the same time.

"I think we caused her to get pretty upset, and that caused her reaction towards Helen..." Kamir says trailing off. "We?" I ask and he frowns as he drives out of the school "I, Alison and the rest.." He says and I nod "Just wanted to confirm that I wasn't part of this " we" as Kari believes. " I say.

"How'd that happen?" Kari asks and he sighs.."She said she wasn't going to attend the great sleepover.. " he begins but Kari cuts him off "Why's that?" He asks and I grin.

"Let me guess, she's a vampire that goes hunting every night?" I say and Kam glares at me through the rearview mirror, "Very funny Kai, May isn't exactly okay mentally." He says and I laugh "No kidding, you just realized that now?" I ask and Kari glares at me "Shut up Kai!" He growls out and I raise my hands up in surrender.

"What do you mean she's not okay mentally?" He asks Kam and he sighs staring at I and Kari, "Promise that this doesn't leave this car." He says firmly and I roll my eyes,"Really?" I ask and he nods "Yeah."

"Alright I promise." Kari says and Kam shakes his head "Promise on what's the most important to you." He says and Kari sighs "Is it that important? He asks, and I've got to be truthful, I was intrigued too " Yes it is. " Kam answers and Kari nods.

"I promise on my life then, and the both of your lives too." He says and Kam stares at me "I'm waiting for you Kai." He says and I frown "I promise." I mutter and he shakes his head "Not good enough." I promise on his memory then." I mutter a bit angry that I had to bring him up and the car goes silent.

"May's mentally unstable, I don't know what may have caused it but she's haphephobic.." He begins but is cut off by Kari "What does that mean?" He asks "She has a phobia of being touched." I say and he nods "That explains why she freezes whenever I touch her." He says and I shrug wondering if her haphephobia had anything to do with our encounter in the girls bathing stall.

"And?" I ask and he frowns "She has nightmares.. that's why she doesn't want to come for the sleepover.. took some badgering from us before she said so." He says and I frown... nothing about haphephobia or nightmares were said.....I think wondering how many things weren't said.

Does this change anything?...No....why not?......it could just be all an act....

"That doesn't exactly justify her behavior with Helen..?" I say and Kari rolls his eyes "Oh please, Helen deserved it,someone needs to put her in her place once in a while." He says and Kam nods "I agree, but she looked really different when she was speaking, like she knew what she was talking about." He says.

"Maybe she does." I say as I remember a specific person broken finger.

"Hey isn't that May?" Kari asks as we get out of the car and we turn to stare at her house where she's heading out of screaming something angrily at the door.

The moment she sees us she heads back inside the moment Kam takes a step forward, obviously avoiding him.

"C'mon let's go in she's obviously not ready to see us." Kari says and I throw my bag to him and he catches it effortlessly before raising a brow.

"Help me take it up." I say and he nods not moving and I sigh "Please." I say and he heads inside.

May comes out yelling a bunch of curses as she climbs up her car and stands on the roof as she let's out a scream.

Moving towards the trees to avoid being detected I crouch low and watch her.

"Hey!" She yells and I get up thinking I've been detected but when I look at her she's not even looking my way.

Her head is raised up as she stares at the darkening clouds and she's got a pair of earphones stuck in her ear.

"Hey Maddie can you hear me?!" She yells out and I frown, probably on phone.. I think when I see no one.

"I keep trying to talk to you but your never ever reply me!" She yells "And I've got a lot to say to you so get yourself here now!" She continues and I frown no longer understanding the conversation.

"I mean it Maddie get yourself here I really need you now. You promised damn it you did." She says jumping down from her car and I'm scared she's going to break something in her body but she lands perfectly like she's done it a lot of times which she probably has.

"Damn it Maddie, I need you now. Look I'm hurting!" She screams as she hits her leg against the car "You promised!!" She screams brokenly and it hits me that she's crying.

"Cmon Maddie,please." She screams again as her front door opens and her sister walks out saying something softly which I don't hear what she's saying but I can hear May's reply.

"Leave me alone,it shouldn't be hard for you to do now will it?" She says climbing back unto the car's rooftop.

Her sister says a couple of things softly but May doesn't reply just raises her head to the cloud as she hugs her knees tightly. She looks like she's waiting for something or someone to arrive.

Giving up her sister walks back inside leaving her by herself. As if on cue the rain starts pouring heavily as soon as the door locks and May stands up on her car's rooftop like what she's been waiting for has arrived...maybe it has...

I see her lips moving but I can't hear her due to the rain as I look closer I notice that she's laughing, laughing so hard she's clutching her ribs as the rain pours down drenching her, then she stops laughing and starts shouting angrily, I know she's shouting due to her gesticulations, then she starts talking again, switching between all three even flipping her fingers at the clouds occasionally.

"Kai!"someone calls out above the rain and I turn to see my older sister by the doorway, " Come inside Kai, you'll get sick." she says and I move towards the doorway where she wraps a blanket around me.

As I'm about to go in I turn back to stare at May who's crumpled on the car's roof crying, and I sigh "She seems like a nice girl just a bit troubled and broken." Miriam says and I frown going upstairs to my room and move to the window where I can watch her.

Still crumpled crying she's rocking herself back and forth and I dry off before changing and go to Kam's room and knock on his door.

"Yes?" He answers looking up from the book his reading. "May's crumpled on her car's rooftop outside crying." I say and he drops the book he's reading before pulling on a coat and grabbing a blanket rushing downstairs, I don't bother to ask where he's going. I already know.

From my window I watch Kam walk across the street to the Anderson's house where her siblings are by the doorway shouting things I can't hear.

Kam says something to her and I watch as she turns her head towards him before turning back to the clouds.

Then yanking her hand he manages to drag her down and they both land on the floor Kam holding her tightly as she struggles to break free from his hold.

As she struggles Kam tilts her head to face him as he says something, time passes and she stops struggling as she rests her head in his chest and based on how her body is shaking I'm guessing she's sobbing.

Holding her tightly against his chest they both get up walking towards the house as Kam yells something to her siblings who seems to be protesting.

I lie down on my bed staring at the picture in my hand as I release a sigh.

Knowing how broken she is do we still move on with the plan?..I gave my word...we can always go back on it....not this time..

This chapter is the longest I've ever written soooo far and I hope you like it:)
So read, vote, comment and share❤❤
Xoxo, Aria

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