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Kaifar's POV
I was headed to my usual spot to eat lunch when I bumped into her; May. I expected a snarky comment from her but instead she just stared at me for less than a second before moving towards her usual spot without saying a word while her friends gave me the stink eye.

Shrugging it off I moved out of the cafeteria and into the field and joined my friends there and joined in the conversation.

"Tell me Kai, how was her reaction?" Lewis asked and I shrugged, "I didn't see her, but I'm sure Kam did, I'll ask him later." I say as I unwrap my meal.

We talk about what's going on in our lives while watching the crowd piling out then pack up quickly before the bell rings.

Time goes by quickly and soon I'm heading to Calc class, late as usual the teacher just waves me off not saying anything and I take my seat near her. She only gives me a small glance before turning to her book, and when it comes to solving problems on the board I raise my hand when she does but instead of scowling at me like she usually does, she simply drops her hands back down.

Soon school is out for the day and I hurry to catch up with Karim who gave I and Kamir a ride to school. I didn't take my bike because I was sure May would use it as a form of retaliation against me.

Once again exiting the school I bump into her again, this time she doesn't even react, just keeps on walking like nothing happened, at this point I began to get scared...what has she done?... I think.

I reach the parking lot and head towards Karim's truck where I find my brother's waiting "Use those long legs Kai and hurry up." Karim growls getting in while I quickly rush in, Kamir just remains silent.

"Are you proud of yourself?" Kamir suddenly asks and I turn to stare at him and Karim. "Me or Kari?" I asks and he glares at me. "Fine. Yes I'm proud of myself, why'd you ask?" I answer and he nods softly.

"She cried." he says and I raise a brow "Anna? That chic cries for no reason at times." I say and he frowns "Not Anna. May....she fucking cried man." He says angrily and I shrug "I didn't know a little bit of blood would make her cry." I say raising my hands in a surrendering gesture.

"I doubt it was the blood that made her cry." Karim says and I glare at the back of his head.

"It wasn't, she said it was the memories it brought." Kamir says and I scoff.

"But still if it wasn't true I guess seeing all your stuff covered in blood would make anyone cry." Karim chips in and I frown, "It was just the locker, Kam packed her stuff into a zip lock bag or didn't you?" I ask turning to Kamir "I did but that doesn't mean that what you did wasn't messed up." He replies and I sigh.

"Why does he even hate that May chic?" Karim asks and Kamir turns to me "Tell us Kai, why do you hate her?" He says and I frown not saying anything.

"Go on, tell us." Kam urges and I purse my lips.

"Let's see, she's extremely rude.." I begin but Kari cuts me off "So are you but still go on.." He says "She has tried to kill me twice.." I say but this time Kam cuts me off, "The first time was an accident, and the second time you were making out on her car." He says.

"She has also tried to poison me.." I say looking at them both daring them to speak "There's also something about her that's not right." I say and Kam scoffs "Everything about you is not right, but you don't see anyone hating you for it do you?" He says.

"Why do you hate her Kai?" Kari asks and I sigh "I didn't mean to hate her, but it was like she had made up her mind to hate me." I lie "She made up her mind to hate you but she didn't, she just disliked you, but now she does, hate you I mean." Kam says and I shrug.

"Congratulations Kai, you've finally got someone who hates you." Kai says turning away angrily and facing the window while Kari turns to me and shakes his head "You've messed up badly." He says before turning back to face the road.

This is what you wanted didn't you Kai, for her to feel the pain you felt, the pain she felt isn't it?... the voice upstairs asks as Kari pulls into the driveway and parks his truck.

The clouds darken and as we step out thunder crackles and they rush inside, I stay out staring up at the building in front of me. The windows are shut, perhaps Kam is right?... I think but shake my head, I should know first hand who she really is beyond that façade she's been putting up, the one everyone is blind too, after all I've seen her works..

"Kai! Get yourself in, its about to rain." Kari shouts and I turn away from the window before walking in.

You're not at fault here... I think but still I can't push away the image of a girl crying as she cleans her blood covered locker.

I close my eyes and think of another crying girl and it works.

You're doing the right thing... I mutter as I head upstairs.

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May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ