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"May Anderson, I presume?" Principal Martin's say as I step into the office and I give a quick nod.

"Those aren't allowed with the uniform." She points at the combat boots I'm wearing and I shrug, "I read the students handbook, nothing was said against this." I say and she nods before motioning for me to sit which I do.

"Based on your former principal's recommendation letter, you have the chance to be admitted into the final year but you refused. Why's that?" She asks and I shrug.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to take up the responsibilities and work that comes with the final year, I still have a lot of things to work on." I say and she nods.

"What things?" She asks and I purse my lips."Its personal. And no offence but I didn't come for an interview." I say and she nods before handing me a bunch of papers.

"Your class schedule, the school map and extra credit activities are all in there, so is your locker number and its default combination which you have the right to change." She says and I nod.

Dialing a number on the phone by her side "Kindly send in Ms.Beck please." She says while I scan my file.

Few minutes later an out of breath girl rushes in, "I swear I wasn't tardy." She says and Principal Martin's sighs, "This is May Anderson, she's new. I'm trusting you to ensure she gets acquainted with our facilities with ease." She says and the girl turns to wave at me and I return her wave.

"May this is Alison Beck, she'll be your guide. I hope I'm leaving you in good hands." She says before motioning us away.

Outside the office Alison smiles at me before speaking "I love your boots." She says and I grin "Thanks." I say and she nod.

"C'mon let's start you're tour, this way I can skip algebra. Do you like algebra?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Hand me your schedule, if I'm lucky we're in the same homeroom and take the same classes." She says and I give it to her and she stares at it for some minutes before looking up.

"Same homeroom and we share classes too but sadly not all." She says pouting and I chuckle. "You're those artsy kind huh?" She asks and I smile, "And you're those nerdy science type huh?" I retort and she laughs.

"C'mon Miss Smarty pants, we've got a school to get acquainted with." She says pulling me.

Some minutes later I've been acquainted with Alison and the cafeteria, the library, science lab,mess hall, gym, auditorium and art room. I was getting acquainted with the classrooms and homeroom.

"You're locker is just opposite mine!" She squeals which makes people turn to stare at her and she quickly turns a shade of red.

I open it with the default combination and change it once it opens.

"Hey, they're some text books and stationery here." I say checking them out and she nods before checking them out. "The school puts them there. You're in AP calc?" She says and I nod and she frowns, "But you said you didn't like Maths!" She whines and I tut.

"I said algebra not maths." I say and she groans "They're the same thing." She says as I close my locker.

"C'mon let's continue with the tour." She says and I stare at her, "You do know that I still won't remember how to get anywhere here after all this right?" I ask and she nods.

"That's why I got you this." She says handing me a paper. "That was my map, I've outlined all the shortcuts and ways to get you around." She says and I stare at it. "Thanks." I say and she smiles "It was no problem." She says just as she's bumped into making her stumble and drop her files.

"Oops." a saccharine sweet voice says and I stare up from my crouched position on the ground and stare up at a red haired girl smiling down at us.

"I didn't mean to do that... actually I meant to, stay out of my way." She says glaring daggers at Alison and I get up.

"Perhaps you should get your eyes worked on, the guy who did your nose job might know someone." I say quietly and I notice how the hallway goes quiet.

"Excuse me?" Red hair says
haughtily and I smile "Exactly how many issues do you have minus the obvious ones?" I ask and she narrows her eyes "Listen here you little bit of nothing...." She says moving close to me.

"I am listening, but I'm yet to hear what I want, an apology." I say and she scoffs "As if that'll ever happen." She says and I smile "Alison's still waiting." I say.

"Just let it be May, nothing good is coming out from all this." Alison says and I nod handing her the files I picked up.

"I see you've found a new person to protect you, lets see how long this one lasts." Red haired says before flipping her hair and walking away.

"Who was that?" I ask and Alison shrugs, "Weston High Queen. At least till the king find someone new." She says and I frown "Rewind please I'm lost." I say and she smiles.

"Weston high is like every other school, the bully and the bullied, popular and unpopular, just kinda slightly twisted." She begins and I nod.

"We don't have just one Queen bee but several, there's a queen bee in each homeroom. Helen's our homeroom Queen bee. Then there's the sovereign Queen." She continues and I frown.

"Sovereign what?" I ask and she nods "That's the girl that dates the school's King. The king's the most popular guy in the school, so the Queen changes the moment he changes girlfriends. You understand it now don't you?" She asks and I nod.

"So Helen's dating the school's king?" I ask and she nods "But I did hear that they've broken up, its not official though." She says whispering and I shrug "I really don't care about any of that." I say and she laughs, "Wait till you see the triple h." She says and I scrunch my nose.

. "Who are those?" I ask and she smiles "The school king and he's fellow rulers." She says and I raise my brow. "Why so tacky?" I ask and she chuckles "You won't be saying that when you see them, here they come." She says jutting her jaw towards the hallway's entrance.

I turn and see Kaifar and his brothers coming in. "Where are they?" I ask and she frowns "The three guys that look alike." She answers and I sigh hoping Kaifar's not the school King.

"Which one of them is the King?" I ask "The scowling one, he's also the resident bad boy, the one on the left is the popular jock and the other one is the cute nerdy type." She says and I nod.

"So Kaifar's the King?" I ask again and she nods before turning to me "How'd you know his name?" She asks and I sigh before shaking my head.

"C'mon let's go, they should be done with algebra by now." I say and she nods leading the way to our next class.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now