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       "How many of you are done with reading Native Son?" Mrs Gregorio asks and the entire class puts their hands up.

        "That's good news because I've decided that I want to understand the book from your point of view." She says and we all sigh knowing what's coming next; essay writing.

      "Why in the blazes did I ever think taking World literature for extra cred?" I mutter to Kari but get no answer.

   Checking on him I notice that he's asleep and I  nudge him in the rib with my pen and he frowns getting up.

    "Class finally over?" He asks cracking an eye open and I shake my head "Gregorio is still talking about how she wants to read the book through our eyes or some crap like that." I say and he groans sitting up.

          "On that note, you guys will be divided into groups consisting of three people, and each group will pick a theme from the book to examine." She says and several hands flies up including Kari's.

      "Yes you can pick your group members." Mrs Gregorio says and everyone starts moving towards who they want in their group.

        "C'mon May, let's go get our final group member." He said pulling me up with my arm and heading to the opposite side of the class, all the way to Kaifar's table.

          "Really now Kari?" I ask looking at him folding my arms. " No way." Kaifar says glaring at me.

           "Plus Kai here is in my group." Helen says shooting me daggers with her eyes and we turn to look at Kari.

        "C'mon I always partner with Kaifar." Kari says looking at I and Kaifar pleadingly "No." I and Kaifar says at the same time.

        "Please." He begs again "Anyone but her." Kaifar says while Helen nods in agreement "But I want to partner with her, she makes this studying fun." Kari says and Kaifar raises his brow.

        "I thought you said I made studying fun." Kaifar protests and Kari shrugs "I'm comparing her to Helen in this instance." He says defensively.

          "Hey!" Helen protests and Kari looks at her "You repeat stuff a gazillion times before you get it, and by the time you do I'd have slept... No offence but you're not smart enough to make studying fun." He says and Helen turns to Kaifar wanting him to defend her.

      "He is kinda right...." Kaifar says shrugging and Helen stamps her feet "You're not three, stop that." I say and she huffs but stops stamping her feet.

      "Have you guys grouped yourself?" Mrs Gregorio asks and before anyone of us can say anything Kari hands Mrs Gregorio a piece of paper.

      "May Anderson, Karim Al Hassan and Kaifar Al Hassan. Correct?" She asks and Kari grins "Yes." At the same time I, Kaifar and Helen say "No!"

         "Please!!" Kari says looking at both I and Kaifar "Fine, only because you're looking at me like a puppy." I say and he turns to Kaifar, "Please!!" He says again and Kaifar sighs "Fine." He says and Kari turns to Mrs Gregorio.

           "Yep that's our group." He says grinning like a little child while Helen turns to Kaifar "Babe!!" She says but he just shrugs "Go create a group with one of your friends." He says dismissively, she's about to stomp her feet but notices that I'm still there , giving me her stink eye, she walks away.

            "Wait a sec, I have to go grab our things." Kari says before moving to our table, that's when I turn to Kaifar.

        "What the hell man." I say and he raises a brow "Man?" He asks and I shrug "Probably picked it up from one of the guys, but still what the hell?" I reply and he folds his arm.

        "Pray tell what I've done now?" He says and I glare "Why the hell did you agree in a group with I and Kari?" I ask and he frowns.

       "What sort of crazy chic are you?" He asks and I glare "You're the one that first agreed to it remember?" He asks and I frown, "Only because I expected you to refuse!" I say and he glares at me "I'm not a mind reader remember?" He says sarcastically and I sigh as Kari comes back.

       "Alright, I've gotten our theme."  Kari says grinning "Tell me it's murder please." I say and Kaifar raises a brow "How sick are you cupcake?" He asks and I glare while Kari snickers, "Like you don't like the criminal mind also." He says before turning back to me "Yeah, our theme is murder." He says and I grin.

         "So we're are we meeting at? Your house or ours?" Kari asks and I groan, "Definitely not mine, you guys house would be best." I say and Kaifar glares.

      "Why not your house? It's obviously a whole lot more quiet than yours." He says and I fold my arms "That might be the case but I'd rather we didn't." I say and he hums, "Why not?" He asks again and I sigh.

        "Because I don't want us too, okay!" I stopping to glare at him "Jeez, dramatic much?" He says and I notice that people were beginning to stare at us.

       Exhaling I turn to Kari, "This is exactly why I didn't want to partner with him."  I say and Kari turns to Kaifar, "Don't start now please." He says and Kaifar raises his hands in mock surrender.

      "Our house, we'll start tomorrow after school. Is that okay with everyone?" He asks and I shake my head, "I'm busy after school." I say and Kaifar's brow shoots up.

         "Don't." I say and He turns to Kari, "Don't you have football practice tomorrow?" He asks and Kari nods, "And I've got basketball practice." He says and we remain quiet.

            "Friday then?" I ask and he nods "Sure that works I guess." and Kari nods "Yeah that's fine, got to go for my next class." He says leaving us in the hallway.

       "Advanced Calc?" Kaifar asks I nod, "Who's turn is it today?" He asks and I bring out a piece of paper from my pocket and pore over it.

         "Yours. It's your turn to skip today." I say handing the paper to him and walking off.

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now