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          I was unpacking when my brother walked in , and I turned to glare at him. “Tell me what happened to knocking?” I asked and he shrugged sitting on my bed.

“How are you settling in?”he asks and I ignored him as I continued placing my clothes in the closet,

“Really? The silent treatment.” he mutters and I turn to stare at him

“You asked how I’m settling in right? Look around Morris. Isn’t this what you all want from me?”

“C’mom May,it’s not like that. You sound like you’re being forced.”

“Aren’t I?”

“No. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.”

“Can I go back to Chicago then?” I ask in a sweet voice and he glares

“No. And you know why you can’t.” He states angrily and I give him a sad smile

“Of course, I’ll be put in a mad house.” I reply turning back to the closet and he gives a long sigh.

   “No one said that you’ll be taken back there..” he begins but I wave him off

     “Clay said and I quote; if we leave you here or you step back here without us allowing you to, you’ll be immediately institutionalised. The fact that none of you opposed him means you agree. Means I’m forced to be here.”

  “C’mon May don’t be like this..” he murmurs and I raise a brow

“Like how?” I ask and he folds his arms

   “Like you’re the victim. Whining about how you don’t want to be here, you’rethe reason we’re here.” He snaps and I give a short sad laugh, the only ones I can give.

“Go ahead play that card. I’m the reason that we moved. No matter the lie you spew brother,” I begin spitting the word brother out like it was an insult. “The fact will always remain that we moved here because Clay moved his headquarters here. I was just the coverup.”

   “Coverup huh? May don’t act like this. I don’t want to fight.” He says and I shrug,

“Act like what? Like I wasn’t uprooted from my life and you expect me to be happy about it? And so what if you don't want to fight, I might actually be interested in one.” I ask and there’s a sigh.

“This was for your own good and everyone else too.” He finally says and I stop to stare at him

       “You’re really going to pay that card huh? The whole running around with the wrong crowd shit huh? Do the whole it’s for your own good, you were under a lot of negative influence. Well spare me the details, I’ve heard it enough times already.”

“Because it’s the truth.” He murmurs and I nod.


  After minutes of silence and he still hadn’t shown any sign leaving, I look at him,

“I know you heard me Morrison. Leave my room now.”

“Really May? You’re kicking me out of your room because I told you the truth?” he answers his voice raising a bit and I lift a shoulder shrugging.

“You’re truth not mine. Shut the door when you leave okay?”  I say pointing at the door and he leaves angrily slamming the door.

   Releasing a sigh, I lie down on my bed plugging my earphones in as I try to drown in the music, discussing certain things drained me completely.

        Maybe I had been running with the wrong kids, but that wasn’t the reason we moved.

He knew it, they all knew it. We moved because of Him; my father. The father who suddenly realised he has a family and is once again ready to take up his  responsibilities;but the deed was done.

   I no longer needed or wanted a father, maybe they want one, maybe mother wants a husband and father for her children but not me, I stopped having a father the moment he left.

Rewritten chapter 1,
Hope you likey :)

May and Kaifar (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now