Chapter 19

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A/N hi! How's everyone's day going? Here's another chapter, the picture on the side is later in the chapter ;)

*Leor's POV*

It's been almost a month since I kissed Sky. My birthday is tomorrow. I'm planning on telling Maya and Sydney tomorrow.

Maya must feel so awkward. She's the only fully straight person in our group, well except for Steven. I'm pretty sure he's straight.

They're throwing me a party that won't be that big. My sister is going over the top with ideas for her party. She's inviting my team and the cheerleaders over to what I believe is a club while the only people I'm celebrating with are Maya, Sky, Sydney, and even Steven.

We're probably just going to hang out and maybe go swimming. We're also going to be cooking things on the barbecue. It's basically like the kinds of pool parties you have as a little kid, except we're older and there won't be those adults awkwardly watching you and making you feel uncomfortable.

*Maya's POV*

"Sky you told Leor you're coming over early right?" "Yeah." "Okay, so here's the plan. Sky you stay with Leor upstairs until we are ready. Steven, Sydney, and I are going to set up the pool. When we are finished, Natalie will call you guys and tell you that we're here. Got it?" "Yes" they all responded.

Steven, Sydney, and I hid on the side of the house as Sky waited for someone to open the door.

The door opened and I heard a voice ask quietly, "Where are they?" "The bushes." "Okay. Go upstairs, Leor is in his room getting ready."

When Sky went upstairs, Steven, Sydney, and I went to the front door. "How are you Nat?" "Fine. Thanks for asking. Need any help?" "Can you stay here and make sure Leor doesn't look outside?" "Yes."

The three of us went outside and started to put colored lights in the pool. I put blue lights in the little area in the middle of Leor's pool while Steven put some purple ones under the waterfall and Sydney put some blue ones under the waterfall. There were actually already lights there but we just covered it with a certain type of colorful plastic.

We also had a couple of jars full of floating things (resembling fireflies) that are lit up and put those around the pool. We put some paper lanterns in the trees hanging near the pool and lit them up. It was about sunset right now so we cleaned up our mess and went to the front of the house.

"It looks really good." Nat whispered to us. "Thanks."

She closed the door quietly then I rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Nat opened the door.

"Leor, you've got company." I heard a door open and then two sets of footsteps were heard. Leor got his cast off a couple of days ago so he was allowed to go swimming.

"Hello." "Happy Birthday Leor." I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "How does it feel to be an adult?" "Great. I feel more free."

We all laughed and then Nat said, "Well, what're you waiting for?! Go have fun."

Sydney and I stood in front of Leor just to be sure he didn't see everything just yet. We stopped in the doorway and turned around to face Leor and said "Happy Birthday," before moving to let Leor see his pool.

Leor let out a gasp. The rest us had smirks on our faces. "When did you do this?" "Right now."

It looked so beautiful, especially with the sunset behind it. "It's gorgeous." "It's only missing one thing though." "That is?" "Five crazy teenagers."

Sky and I grabbed each other's hand as I held mine out for Leor's hand. "Wanna jump." Leor grabbed my hand as Sydney grabbed Leor's other hand along with Steven's.

"On the count of three we jump." "One." "Two." "Three!!!"

We ran towards the pool and jumped in at the same time, making a huge splash. I saw how wavy the pool was and started laughing. The guys joined in soon after.

We hung out in the pool for a while before getting out and drying off. Since it's hot, we left our bathing suits on and just chilled outside.

Soon enough, Leor's dad came outside. "I'm going to start the barbecue, feel free to go inside or turn on the outdoor fireplace."

Leor suggested he opened the presents so that's what we did. The first present he opened was a football that was signed by his favorite player. The twins shared that gift since it was hard to get.

The next present he opened was from Steven and it was an Ed Sheeran CD. Steven sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and said, "I didn't really know what to get you but Maya told me you're a massive Ed Sheeran fan." "Thanks, this is awesome."

Now it was my turn. I grabbed my present and handed it to him. He unwrapped it and gasped, "This is awesome! Did you paint this?" "Yeah."

I took a picture of Leor in front of the field before his first football game. He was in uniform and his helmet was held under his arm. I found the picture not long ago while looking through my stuff and decided to paint it then give it to him for his birthday.

"Guys, look at how amazing this is!" Leor exclaimed as he turned the canvas towards the guys. "Woah... You're an amazing artist Maya." Steven said. I was going to reply but Leor's dad called us saying that the food is ready.

That night, we ate steak, played a few games, and watched some movies.

It was a very fun night overall.

A/N how'd you like the chapter? Leor's 18 now btw.

What'd you think of the pool idea? I thought it was really cute. Comment your thoughts.

I might not be able to update tomorrow and if I do end up updating it's gonna be up around 8 or 9 (pacific time) cause I'm fasting for the holiday (Yom Kippur).

Have y'all heard Infinity? I missed the announcement for the new (One Direction) album (Made In The AM) cause I was at school, I'm so excited to hear the rest of it.

Comment and vote if you'd like. Go check out my other stories: Boarding School and Gray Day, I hope you like them.

Peace out everyone. x

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