Chapter 30

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A/N only 2 chapters + epilogue left

We stayed at the beach for a couple hours before going back to his house.

"I should start heading home now Steven." I told him.

"Okay, I'll walk with you." I nodded as the two of us walked down the street.

"So, how does it feel to be 18?" "It's okay, I still feel the same though." "That's probably how I'll feel when I turn 18." "Speaking of, when is your birthday? You never told me."

"Valentine's Day." "No way! That's awesome. You get double the love." Steven chuckled. "Yup, I feel so loved on Valentine's Day."

We walked up the stairs in front of my house before stopping. "I had fun today, I hope we can do this again sometime." "Me too."

I kissed him on the cheek before going inside and up to my room. Immediately, my phone started ringing. Looking at the caller ID, I chuckled but answered.

"Oh, hey, I almost forgot to ask, are you free on Tuesday?" "Um, yeah, I think so, why?"

"Okay, great, I want to introduce you to someone." "Okay, sounds cool, see you Tuesday." "See you Tuesday."

I hung up and walked down the hall. Opening the door, I grabbed an easel and canvas. I placed them in front of my stool then walked over to my computer, opening one of the files in it.

I printed a picture that I had synced to the computer and I put it in the corner of the canvas.

I let all my thoughts drown out of my head as I concentrated on the painting.

The bristles moved slowly against the material, leaving brown in it's path. I did the same thing with the orange, red and yellow.

There were leaves covering the dark brown earth. The trees were bare. There was not a person to be seen for miles. It was just me, my canvas, and my paints.

Whenever I paint, I go into my own world, imagining that I'm in the painting. I imagine the texture of the leaves, the hue of the sky, my surroundings. I imagine that I'm alone in the forrest, it keeps me focused.

My phone started ringing, snapping me out of my trance.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi Maya, I was wondering if I can come over. I need to talk to someone right now." "Sure, you're always welcome." "Cool, thanks, see you in a few."

About three minutes later, Sydney was knocking at my door.

"Hi." "Hey." "Is it hi or hey?" I asked, making us both laugh.

"So what did you want to talk about?" "It's about Jake." I nodded. "Remember at Leilah's party, when you walked in on us?" I nodded again. "Well, he asked me to be his boyfriend the next day and I said yes. What I hadn't realized is that he is still with his girlfriend, who he cheated on with me while she cheated on him with another guy. He doesn't want to break up with her and I really want to stay with him but I don't want to date him while he's dating her. I don't want to be his dirty little gay secret. I want to come out as bisexual with him as my boyfriend. I don't want him to be dating her and I want him to come out with me, weather he's gay, bisexual or pansexual, I'd rather be out with him than in the closet while he has a girlfriend. I'm starting to wonder if I should break up with him."

"Don't break up with him. Talk to him and maybe he'll understand and break up with her. Threaten to break up with him and if he doesn't seem fazed by it, dump him on the spot. If he doesn't break up with her, dump his sorry ass. Give him two chances at the most. Only forgive him if he comes crawling back to you. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and don't hesitate to dump his sorry ass. If you really like him, then don't dump him but make sure that he knows there are four other people who won't hesitate to hurt him if he hurts you."

"Thank you. It might've not made that much sense but I understand what you're saying." Sydney and I hung out for a bit before he decided to go talk to Jake about this problem.

*Sydney's POV*

I drove to Jake's house after talking with Maya. Her advice kind of gave me some courage to confront him of 'cheating.'

When I got to his house, I rang. The doorbell and waited.

"Hello. Who might you be?" I heard a woman's voice say as I looked up.

"I'm Sydney, I'm a friend of Jake's is he here at the moment?" "He's in his room, go on up. It's the third door on the right." I nodded as a way of thanks before rushing up the stairs.

I went to the third door on the right. I reached out to twist the handle but found it locked.

I knocked on the door and stepped back. "Mom, I told you no-" he stopped mid sentence and said, "What brings you here, Sydney?"

"We need to talk." I walked into his room and sat on the bed. He locked the door and started walking towards me. That's when I finally realized he was shirtless, his toned chest on full display. I licked my lips before looking back at his face.

Jake quickly maneuvered in front of me and placed a kiss on my lips. "We need to talk Jake."

"What about?" "About us. About you and your girlfriend. About how I, your boyfriend, feel about this," he nodded and I continued, "I'm tired of being your dirty little gay secret. I don't like you dating both me and that other girl. It's either me or her. If you continue to date her than I'm breaking up with you." He nodded in disappointment. "I also want to come out to the school and be able to tell them that you're my boyfriend. I want to be able to hold hands and kiss you in public. I'm not sure you know what your sexuality is for sure but I know that I'm bisexual. I've been waiting for so long to tell people that. I've wanted to let it out as soon as I found the right person, I think you are. So please, breakup with the girl and come out with me." I pleaded.

"Okay, but on one condition." "That is?" "You let me have some time before we officially come out to the school. I need to let the fact that I like boys sink in." I nodded in understanding, having gone through the same thing years ago.

"Don't be nervous babe. It's alright. You can start by telling your parents then your close friends and relatives. Eventually, you'll get enough courage to come out to the school. I don't know if I'll be able to wait but if I had to wait for someone to come out with, I'm glad it's you I'm waiting for."

"I think- I think I love you." I gaped at Jake.

I didn't say anything, all I had to do was kiss him.

A/N cute little Sake chapter here😂 what'd you think of it?

Okay so there's 2 chapters and an epilogue left, I have a sequel but only 3 chapters are written, I'm not really feeling the story and I've already got all the birthdays and stuff planned out for the children and stuff so I'm thinking maybe I'll use that information and make a couple of extra chapters that take place after the epilogue, does that sound alright with you?

Moving on... Hope you enjoyed the chapter, my social media is listed down below if you ever want to reach me :)

Instagram: larry_narry_nosh
Twitter: music_1d_5sos
Fahlo (cause why not): music_1d_5sos

I'm most active on Twitter and I always answer :)

Until tomorrow...

Peace out everyone. x

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