Chapter 3

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At Pavilions, Leor and I bought ingredients for the cupcakes and some more snacks for our movie nights. As soon as we got back to Leor's house, we put everything away but the cupcake ingredients. We decided on making red velvet cupcakes.

"Ok let's start baking!" Leor said.

"Yay!" I said, while looking for the recipe in the recipe book.

We started making the cupcakes after we preheated the oven. The flour was on the other side of the kitchen so I went to get it. The flower bag was very big and heavy. Most people think I would be strong because of my tall frame of 5'10, but I am very weak. As I was walking back over to Leor, I tripped and the flour went flying all over the place.

I was still hugging the flour bag which was now 2/3 empty and looked around. I burst out laughing as I saw the kitchen and Leor covered in flour.

"Oh-oh my g-god Leor! Y-ou are cov-ered in fl-flour!" I said in between laughs. He looked at me and also burst out laughing.

*Leor's POV*

I started laughing when I saw Maya, she looked so funny and cute. Her glasses were crooked on her face and were white, but not too white so she could still see, and her whole body was covered in white flour. She was still hugging the flour bag like a little girl hugging her stuffed animal when scared. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I didn't want to but I took my eyes off of her to look around at the kitchen.

"Shit!" I said. This is going to take a long time to clean.

"We should clean this up," Maya said while looking around at the kitchen.

While cleaning, we talked about different things. We talked about school and how mean our teachers were, we had almost all of our classes together. We also talked about my upcoming 18th birthday next month, six days before Halloween. After about an hour, we finished cleaning the kitchen and went to go change into clothes that don't have flour on them.

I changed to a pair of gray sweats and a black v-neck shirt. A few minutes later, Maya came downstairs into the living room wearing a pair of gray sweats and a black sweater that says "I like cats" on the front. She sat on the couch next to me and asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"Maybe Skylar and Sydney would want to come over and watch a movie with us," I suggested.

"Oh! I'll call Sky and ask him!" Maya said excitedly. Maya got up to go get her phone off of the table and called Sky on the way back to the couch. She put the phone on speaker and Sky picked up on the third ring.

"Hay girl!" Sky said happily.

"Hey Sky!" Maya said. "Leor and I were wondering if you and Sydney wanted to come over to Leor's house to hang out with us, maybe watch a movie or something."

"Be there in ten minutes!" was all Sky said before hanging up.

Sky and Sydney were twins and Maya's cousins. They were her only friends other than me. They are also in the same grade and school as us.

About ten minutes later, we heard someone ring the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Maya said happily skipping towards the door. I followed right behind her.

*Maya's POV*

As soon as I opened the door, I was engulfed with two pairs of arms.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hay girl!" Sky said.

"Hi Maya!" Sydney said.

After they greeted me, they went over to Leor.

"Hi Leor!" Sky said happily, hugging Leor in the process.

"Hi Sky,"After Sky let go of Leor, he moved to the side so Sydney could greet Leor.

"Sup bro." Sydney said in greeting, giving Leor a high five in the process.

"Hey Sydney," Leor said.

After we greeted each other, we all went down to the L&M Lounge to watch a movie.

We couldn't decide between 'Toy Story 1' and 'Toy Story 3' so we just ended up watching the first one.

After we popped the movie into the DVD player, Leor and Sydney went upstairs to get the snacks from the kitchen. Once Leor and Sydney were out of the basement, Sky spoke to me.

"So what's going on between you and Leor?" he said, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"We're dating," I said then looked down and blushed. As soon as I finished saying dating, Sky started squealing like a little girl.

"Oh my gosh! Give me all the details!" he squealed. Just when I was about to tell him about last night's events, Leor and Sydney came walking down the basement stairs, each of them holding a few snacks and sodas.

Later I mouthed to Sky. Okay he mouthed back, giving me a wink as well.

Leor came to sit next to me and I moved my head so it was resting on his shoulder. We started the movie and all of us stuffed our faces with the snacks throughout it.

After the movie was over, we watched another movie. The movie we watched next isn't unpredictable, but of course, we had to watch 'Toy Story 2.'

I got bored during the movie and put my head in Leor's lap while playing on my phone.

As soon as the movie was done, we went upstairs to the kitchen to order pizza.

"Do you guys want to stay the night?" Leor asked Sky and Sydney after ordering the pizza. The twins looked at each other and shrugged, "sure" they said in unison.

"I'm going to go call mom and let her know that we're going to stay here so she doesn't get worried." Sydney said, taking out his phone. He dialed his mom's number, walking towards the exit of the kitchen. I heard him say, "Hi mom," before he left the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Sydney came back into the kitchen. "Mom said it's okay to stay the night!"

"SLEEPOVER PARTAY!" Sky and I yelled in unison, giving each other a high five.

The two of us went into the living room and I filled Sky in on what happened last night and he kept squealing like a girl.

After about twenty minutes, someone rang the doorbell. Oh, pizza's here! "I'll get it," I said skipping over to the door.

I opened the door and saw a guy, roughly my age, maybe a little older, with crystal blue eyes. The guy had dirty blonde hair and a black lip ring. His name tag read Steven.

"That'll be $10 please," (I don't know if pizza actually costs that much)the guy, Steven, said. I heard a slight accent in his voice but I'm not sure where from though. I then realized that I didn't bring any money. Luckily, Leor was standing behind me and handed Steven the money, taking the pizza from him in the process.

"Thanks," Leor said before closing the door.

"I SMELL PIZZA!" Sky screamed walking into the kitchen where Leor was setting the pizza box down. As soon as he let go of the box, Sky and I were already shoving Sydney and Leor aside.

"Yum pizza!" I said, grabbing a slice of pizza.

A/N here's chapter 2. I hope you enjoy. I feel like a lot of you don't like it because the chapters went from 4 views to 34 views to 15 views and then the last chapter I don't think anyone read :(

If anyone is still reading, let me know, if no one is, then I'll stop updating this story until there are a couple people who are going to read it and like it and comment on it.

Anyways, hope you all have a great weekend. Peace out everyone. x

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