Chapter 13

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A/N hello everyone! How's your week going? I hope it's going good. Love you, enjoy the chapter.

On Sunday morning, I woke up with my head leaning on Steven's shoulder and Sky leaning on my shoulder. Meanwhile, Sydney was cuddling a pillow to himself. He has always been one to cuddle. I picked up Sky's head off of my shoulder and slowly stood up. I put his head in the place that mine was before, on Steven's shoulder, and grabbed my phone and took a few quick pictures.

Me: *image of the guys* lol, these guys

Leor texted back a few minutes later.

Leor🙈: oh gosh, what're you gonna do????

Me: nothing... just pour water on their faces and run

I grabbed my glasses, which I just realized someone had taken them off of me last night and walked up the stairs. I saw Danielle sitting at the kitchen table and asked, "You want to pour water on your brothers?" "What do you think?!" She said excitedly as she grabbed a plastic cup and I grabbed two. "You get Sydney and I'll get the other two, as soon as you pour the water on them, run back up to your room quickly," I explained to her. I filled up my cups and she filled up hers before we quietly went downstairs.

"One," I mouthed. "Two."

"Three." We threw the water on them and the two of us ran up to her room, locking the door behind us.

"Maya!" I heard Sky yell angrily.

"Danielle!" Sydney screamed. Uh oh, they're mad. No one likes it when the Miller twins are mad.

We opened the door and said "We're sorry, we didn't think we'd make you mad."

When I looked up, something had smashed against my face, I think it was whipped cream. I pushed it off of my face and exclaimed "What the hell!" They know I hate whipped cream, they're dead.

When I saw that the hand belonged to Sky, I looked at him and said "you better run."

He turned around and ran down the stairs. I followed him, hot on his trail. He eventually started slowing down when we got to his backyard so I sped up and jumped on his back. The impact of my jump made him fall along with me.

When we hit the ground, we were laughing and crying out in pain at the same time while the others just watched us with smiles on their red faces.

I got up and offered my hand to Sky. He took it and got up. "Next time, no whipped cream."

I walked inside the house and went to the bathroom to get the cream off of my face.

It took a while but I got it out of my hair and found the guys in the living room. I grabbed my phone to check the time, 10:00. I texted Leor and asked what time he gets out of the hospital and he said that he is actually on his way home right now.

"Guys, we should go over to Leor's house. He's on his way over there now." "yeah" "sure."

We grabbed our stuff and started walking to Leor's house. His house was in the street next to mine so when we went to his house, we stopped so Steven and I could drop off our bags.

We got to Leor's house just as his dad's car pulled into the driveway. Leor's dad got out and went to the trunk to grab Leor's crutches. He went to Leor's side and opened the door.

He helped Leor out of the car and gave him the crutches. Leor saw us and waved, hopping over to us using the crutches.

"I honestly have no clue how I'll manage to be on crutches for the rest of the month." "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. I'm sad though because I can't play any sports. Oh yeah, that reminds me, did we win?" "Yeah. You threw the ball that made it into the goal just as time was up."

"Yes. That's great oh my gosh!" Leor said happily.

"Let's go inside now, wouldn't want you standing too much now would we?"

We all turned towards the door and started heading inside. We just started talking about random stuff and then we got to the topic of Leor and I.

"You guys are acting differently, what's wrong?" Sky asked.

"Um, well, we broke up on Wednesday." Sky gasped "Why?"

"We thought that it was awkward to date since we're so close and Maya is like a sister to me so it'd be too weird." "Aww, but you guys were so cute together." "Sorry to get you down Sky. Think of tomorrow, it'll make you happier."

"What's tomorrow?" Steven and Leor asked. "Ugh, why'd you ask. This is all Sky has been talking about all week." Sydney answered annoyed.

"Tomorrow is the day that the Steal My Girl music video comes out." "What's Steal My Girl... wait, is that a One Direction song?" "Yup."

"As much as I love One Direction and as much as I hate interrupting, I heard something happened to you at last night's game." Okay, 1. she hates One Direction and loves to intrude on conversations and 2. of course something happened you bitch, you were there and saw it with your own eyes. Don't make up an excuse on why you weren't there because you clearly were. You're the captain of the cheerleaders, you wouldn't miss a game.

"Yeah, I got jumped on by some dude from the other team." "Oh no! My poor baby brother!" She said. She's such a bad actress.

"Well, I got to go, hope you feel better baby brother." Leilah loves to rub the fact that she's older in Leor's face.

She walked out the door and I turned to Leor. "How can you stand that bitch?" " I grew up with her."

A/N yet another crappy chapter, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

How'd you like the chapter? Did you think what Maya and Danielle did was funny? What about the twins' little trick (they pretended to be mad cause when they're mad, bad things happen so that's why the girls surrendered)? What do you think of Leilah?

Comment your thoughts and vote if you'd like.

Until next week.

Peace out everyone. x

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