Chapter 20

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A/N I'm back! Did you miss me in those couple of hours you didn't see me? Of course you didn't. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

When I got to school the next day, over half of the seniors seemed to be hungover meaning that there had been some alcohol at Leilah's birthday.

The halls were quiet. No one seemed to be in the mood to talk. We walked over to my locker like usual and I got my books as well as the twins and then we started walking to Leor's locker, but he stopped us.

"Hey, guys I need to talk to you. Somewhere private though, too much listening ears here." I looked over at the twins to see what their reactions were. Sky had a knowing look and Sydney looked just as confused as I felt.

"Uh, sure." We walked over to the football field since no one really comes out here in the morning and it's more private.

"Uh, so I don't know if you'll be surprised by this but I do know that you'll accept me for me. This is actually really hard to say and admit out loud." He took a deep breath in and said, "I'm bi."

Sydney and I gave him encouraging smiles while Sky just looked like a proud mother. Leor breathed out a sigh of relief. He didn't look as stressed as before. In fact, he looked as though a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

"When did you realize?" "Well, I had thought that a couple of guys were cute for a while and I was really confused so I called up Sky and he explained to me that I am not gay but bi."

We stayed on the field for a little while. I looked around at the bleachers and the grass and the goal post and thought I should come out here at some point to recreate the area with an oil pastel, it'd look amazing hanging on one of the walls in my room. My room has all of my artwork hanging on the walls.

I heard the warning bell ring signaling that we had ten minutes until class starts. The four of us walked towards the school and Leor went with Sydney to his own locker as Sky and I went to our advisory.

During first period, Leor and I passed notes and joked around. We wrote a lot of things on the pink sticky note, most of which were inside jokes we had come up with when we met.

I struggled to hold in my giggles. The teacher probably wouldn't mind anyways because the class is getting distracted and talking loudly anyways.

"Okay class, since there is only five minutes left, you can talk amongst yourselves." The class became even louder than before and laughing was heard from all around the room.

Leor and I started laughing so when Sydney came over, he was very confused. "It's nothing you need to worry about." I told him when he gave us questioning glances.

The bell soon rang so I walked out of the room after saying goodbye to the boys then went down the hall to art.

"What's up Maya?" "Nothing much. Do you know what you're doing for your art project?" "Yeah, I think so. I'm going to either draw my backyard or the view from the top of the mountains in Malibu." "Nice. I'm trying to get some texture and value into my drawing so I'll probably just leave it black and white. I've decided to work with landscapes. Hopefully it will look good." Sky nodded as the teacher walked in. "Okay class, I hope you..."

The day went by really slowly. Most of my teachers were out and the subs didn't follow the plan correctly so I spent about five out of the seven hours of school just sitting around in different classes doing nothing at all. You could say it was a boring day. The upside to this is that I didn't have homework for the first time in a long time.

After school, Sky, Sydney, Leor and I went to pick out our costumes for Halloween. We looked around for a little while and we all found costumes that we thought were cute.

Even though I don't watch Pokemon or really know anything about it, I decided to be Pikachu. Sydney was a peanut butter jar and Sky was a jelly jar, kind of like Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls. Leor ended up being Robin. All he's missing is a batman.

We tried on the costumes then payed before leaving. "Leilah is throwing a Halloween party on Friday and I wanted to know if you are interested in coming." "How many people are going to be there?" "Knowing Leilah, the whole school." "That's a lot of people. I'm not too sure but we can go if you really want us to."

I hate crowded places. It's like a claustrophobia but instead of small spaces, I'm scared of being surrounded by lots of people and big crowds of people. I try not to draw any attention to myself.

"Sure. Why not. We can always leave if we don't like it." "True. I'm in." "Okay. So the party starts at 7 but you can come earlier or later, whichever one is fine by me."

Sky, Sydney and I decided to go together in their car so we won't have trouble finding each other when we got there.

A/N I hope you liked the chapter, next chapter is Leilah's Halloween party!

What'd you think of the costumes they've chosen? What do you think of how supportive they are about Leor coming out?

Comment your thoughts and vote if you like it. See you tomorrow!

Peace out everyone. x

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