Chapter 24

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A/N hello beautiful people❤️

My mom and I decided that instead of hiring people to paint our house, we'd do it ourselves. The next day, my mom and I got a couple cans of paint and I called up the guys.

When we got home, Leor and Steven were waiting outside. I walked up to the door and unlocked it as the guys helped my mom with the paint just as the twins pulled into the driveway.

They set down the paints on the living room floor then my mom started assigning everyone a room.

"Okay so Leor and Sky, you two can do the bathrooms in white, Maya and Steven, you two can do Maya's room in this 'fossil' color and Sydney, you and I can do my room in 'Monroe bisque' here's the paint so you can get started after you cover the floor and furniture."

I had already taken all of the things off of my wall yesterday and put them in the living room so they didn't get paint on them so that made our job easier.

Steven and I covered the furniture and he covered the floor as I changed into different clothes. After getting dressed, Steven and I pushed the furniture to the center of the room and started painting.

It became quiet quickly and I couldn't stand it so I went onto spotify and played my songs. Immediately, the song Bang Bang came on.

"That's better." I said as the silence went away. The room was filled with music as I danced along, painting at the same time.

Soon enough, we had finished three walls and were moving onto the fourth. I dipped the brush into the paint just to realize that I had ran out. I grabbed another paint bucket and tried to open it.

I became mad when it didn't open so I pulled really hard on the top and soon enough, it opened. The thing is, the paint flew onto Steven.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He gaped at me then flicked some paint from his paintbrush at me. "What was that for?!" I flicked paint back at him and soon enough, we were having a paint war.

"What are you doing?" We turned towards the door and I blushed as my mom was standing there wit a questioning gaze.

"Painting, see. We're almost done." She nodded slowly and turned around, closing the door as she left. Steven and I started laughing then got back to painting.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before."

"Care to dance?" Steven asked. "Sure."

Steven took my hands in his and we started to slow dance. "And I can't sweep you off of your feet." Steven spun me and I laughed as I basically tripped over my own feet.

"So honey now, take me into your loving arms." Steven started singing. "Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your hand to my beating heart."

"You have an amazing voice." I said, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. He smiled and quickly leaned in, placing his lips on mine, catching me off-guard. I kissed him back immediately, loving the feeling of his lips on mine.

He pulled away and said, "I have had a crush you since the day we first met and was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" "I'd love to be your girlfriend Steven!" I exclaimed, giving him a hug.

The door slammed open and Sky came rushing in, joining our hug. "It's about time you guys started dating, it's so obvious that you are already in love."

Sky started fangirling (or should I say fanboying) as he rushed out and I started bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Alright, let's finish painting. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can rest." I nodded as we finished up painting the room.

Even after all the hours of hard work that we had put into painting, I was happy and couldn't keep the smile off my face.

The guys left a couple hours ago and I ended up sleeping in my brother's room. The only time I go in there is if I'm sad but considering it's bad to inhale paint fumes, I had to sleep in his room while my mom slept in the guest room.

I looked around Adam's room and sighed. We left all of his posters up and his clothes are still in his drawer, nothing changed about his room. He had some basketball posters hanging up along with basketball trophies from his games and some posters of artists that he liked. On his dresser, there were pictures of him and I along with my boyfriend or just the two guys alone (they were best friends). There were also some family photos and pictures from family get togethers. Next to the dresser, there were three penny boards and on the wall, there were about twenty snap backs hanging from hooks which I occasionally end up wearing.

To say the least, I miss my brother a lot. Despite our arguments, we always got along. We didn't have a big age difference between us, he was only about fifteen months older than me. His 19th birthday is actually tomorrow so I'll probably go down to the cemetery to visit him after school.

Soon enough, I fell asleep with tears in my eyes, thinking of my brother and how he would still be alive if he hadn't gone to basketball practice that day.

A/N hiii! How's everyone's day been? I hope it's been good.

Did you enjoy the chapter? I hope you did. I think you knew that Steven was going to ask Maya out but I thought it was pretty cute.

What about the ending? It was kinda sad but ya know...

Anyways, see you tomorrow

Peace out everyone. x

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