Chapter 15

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A/N surprise update! Yay!


I woke up the next morning at six. The first thing I thought was I hope that was just a dream and Sydney is okay.

I got up and went over to my closet and grabbed some ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt that said 'ASH xx" in white lettering. I put my clothes on my bed and took a quick shower then got dressed and put my hair in a high ponytail. I went downstairs and grabbed a banana then ate it as I waited for the twins to come.

I saw their car pull into the driveway. I grabbed my bag then went outside after locking the door behind me.

"How are you feeling Sydney?" I asked as I got into the car.

"Could be better. I have bruises on my jaw and stomach though." Sydney turned around so I could see his face.

"Oh my gosh! Does it hurt?" "A little bit, it hurts when I put pressure on it. It hurt way worse yesterday."

We pulled into Leor's driveway and he hopped out of his house and towards the car. I saw him struggling a little and he kept dropping stuff so I went out of the car and grabbed all of the stuff that fell along with his backpack.

"How you feeling?" He asked Sydney. "Could be better, got a few bruises but I'm feeling better than yesterday that's for sure." We all started laughing at what he said.

When we got to school, people were staring at us. Of course they would, we're drawing attention to ourselves. It's not every day that a football captain on crutches hops down the hallway with a kid that has a bruised up face and the school einstein along with her weird looking cousin. We're just the quartet that nobody expects.

Steven had soon caught up to us, gasping when seeing Sydney's face. "What happened? Who did this to you?!"

"Oh, just some guy from the football team. He came and beat me up after practice." Sydney answered nonchalantly.

"The guy you were talking about yesterday at lunch?" "Yup, that's the one."

*Leor's POV*

I've been pacing around my room for about two hours now, it's very hard on crutches. It's driving me crazy, I have to tell someone. I can't tell Maya because she won't really know how to react. I can't tell Steven because I haven't known him long enough to tell. It needs to be one of the twins.

A/N the chapter was supposed to be longer but I put most of it in the previous chapter. I don't realize how short it actually was...

Should I start doing daily updates or not? It's the only story that I have and I have it written out already, I just need your opinions. :)

Maya's outfit is on the side, let me just casually steal her shirt and claim it as my own... Hope she doesn't mind.

I love you guys so much, thanks for reading the story.

Until next time...

Peace out everyone. x

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