Chapter 16

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A/N hi!!!! Important A/N at the end so look out for that. Enjoy the chapter...

*Leor's POV*

About five minutes later, Sky had opened the door to my room. "Why did you want me to come over?"

I patted my bed, motioning him to sit down. He closed the door and then sat next to me.

"I need to talk to you about something and I really need your help." "Okay, keep talking."

"Umm, well, I think I might be gay." I said nervously.

"Why do you think you are?" "Umm, in this past year, I've been finding guys attractive..." I trailed off. "So what you're saying is you don't know if you're gay or not?" "Exactly."

"You thought Maya was attractive right?" "Yeah." "Are there girls other than Maya that you think are attractive?" "Yeah."

Sky was confusing me with all of these weird questions. "You're bisexual." Sky stated. "What?" "You heard me, you're bisexual, you like guys and girls."

"The thing is, I'm not really sure if I'm actually attracted to guys or if I just think they're hot." "Kiss a guy then, figure it out."

I slowly looked up at Sky. He stared leaning in and so did I. My eyes fluttered shut. Before I knew it, our lips had met and I felt chills go up my spine. Sky's lips molded perfectly into mine as we kept kissing.

Much to our dismay though, we had to pull away for air. "The truth is, you're actually the one who made me question my sexuality." I gave him a quick peck as he blushed.

"You're so cute when you blush."

*Maya's POV*

Today is the first day of a new month. Only thirty more days until Halloween and twenty five more days until Leor is officially an adult.

I am the youngest in our group. Sky is the oldest (shocking! I know right?), then is Sydney, Leor and I. I'm pretty sure that Steven's birthday is before mine but after Leor's.

Sydney and Sky turned 18 back in August. I'm turning 18 in about three months and I honestly can't wait.

Since we found out what college was, Leor and I agreed that we would live in the same house or apartment when the time had come. We are trying to find colleges that are close to each other but we haven't found any that grabbed our attention.

I was currently sitting at my computer looking for colleges. Then I realized that we hadn't searched up a college that has to do with both art and sports so I searched it up.

The one university that has an art program and a sports program was right here in our state all along, not halfway across the world. I picked up my phone and texted Leor.

Me: Search up Maxwell University.

A few minutes later, Leor texted me back.

Leor🙈: Oh my gosh

Leor🙈: Did you look at the pictures of it? It's beautiful!

I put my phone down and then pressed the images tab on google. The pictures were beautiful.

Me: These pictures are gorgeous! Oh my gosh

Leor🙈: Yup, hopefully it's not too late to apply

I kept scrolling through the pictures. The place was so beautiful.

Me: It says here that they are accepting applications until December. We better apply soon

Leor🙈: I think we need to talk to the counselor before applying

Me: We should talk to her about it tomorrow. Maybe during advisory

Leor🙈: Yeah, sure

Leor🙈: I gotta go, see you at school

Me: Okay, see you tomorrow

I stayed on my computer for the rest of the night until my mom called me down for dinner.

After dinner, I turned on my music and stared dancing around to it.

"(Hey hey, oh no, no, no)

Her light is as loud as as many ambulances
As it takes to save a savior, oh (whoa whoa whoa)

She floats through the room on a big balloon
Some say, "She's such a fake,"
That her love is made up
No, no, no, no"

I waggled my finger while screaming 'no no no no.'

"Let's have another toast to the girl almighty
Let's pray we stay young, stay made of lightn-"

I was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is that One Direction I hear?!" Sky asked excitedly.

"Yes, now why'd you call, you interrupted me while I was in directioner mode."

"You're always in directioner mode." "That's true." I pointed out. "Now why'd you call?"

"I'm bored."

A/N hiiii! How's your week been? Mine's been good so far.

How'd you like the chapter? I just made up the name of the university (it was originally gonna be called Maxwell University but then I thought I should use a real uni (UCSB) and then I decided to change it back to Maxwell)

What'd you think of Leor's confession to Sky? What do you think about their kiss?

So I'm gonna start trying to update this story everyday, updates are gonna be late at night cause I usually have hours of homework after school :/

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you tomorrow.

Peace out everyone. x

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