Chapter 23

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A/N hello wonderful people of the internet

I hadn't realized I was going down Steven's street until I had bumped into him. He was carrying some duffle bags and walking towards his house. Someone was helping him but I couldn't see who it was.

"Oof... I'm sorry." "No, I'm sorry, I clearly wasn't looking where I was going." He said, putting down the duffle bags. "So what are you up to this fine November morning?" "Nothing much. I decided to take a jog since I have nothing better to do."

"C'mon inside then. I was just helping my brother with his bags. He's moving in today." I nodded my head as he grabbed the duffle bags and we walked inside.

"Follow me." We walked up the stairs and passed his parents' room and a bathroom. He stopped in a room where the same guy from earlier was.

Steven dropped the duffle bag on the floor, drawing the guy's attention. "Maya this is my youngest older brother Isaac, he's 22. Isaac this is my friend Maya." "Nice to meet you." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Let's go. Isaac still has some unpacking to do." He grabbed my hand as we went across the hall to his room. "You had two brothers right?" "Yeah, Isaac and David, who is the oldest at age 25." "Cool, how does it feel like to have siblings?" "It's okay. I don't see them much anymore, especially David, but when we were younger, they would always play pranks on me." "Sounds fun, having siblings." I said as I looked down at my lap sadly.

"Hey, why so sad all of a sudden?" "I used to have a brother..." "oh." "...and a dad." "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?" "No, it's fine. I was thirteen at the time, I believe. It was a few days before my brother's fifteenth birthday. My dad was driving and my brother was in the passenger seat, my boyfriend at the time was in the back. They were coming home from basketball practice and I don't know what exactly happened but they somehow crashed and were sent to the hospital. All three of them died, the person from the other car only broke his leg and arm. I miss them so much, it's not the same without them."

I didn't realize I was crying until Steven wiped my cheek with his thumb and said, "Hey, chin up, don't cry. Be happy. They're in a better place now." He pointed to my chest and added, "They're always in your heart."

I looked up and before I could muster up a smile, I felt lips against mine. Shocked with the action, I pulled away and looked at Steven.

He was about to say something but before he could, I crashed my lips to his. After a couple of minutes, we pulled apart and said, "I've wanted to do that for so long." "Me too." I leaned in and started kissing him again, this time, it was a full-on make-out.

I ran my tongue along his lip, going over the lip ring and he bit my bottom lip. Just as his tongue was about to lick my lip, Isaac walked in.

"Hey Steven, I need yo-" he looked up and stopped. "Oh, sorry, I'm interrupting something. Next time, lock the door. It could've been mum who walked in. Don't get too carried away, especially when I'm here." Isaac winked and sauntered out of the room.

"That was awkward." "Tell me about it." We laughed a bit and Steven said, "I better go see what he wants. I'll be right back."

Once Steven left, I decided to look around the room. A couple of pictures caught my eye and I walked over to them. I picked one up and looked at it. It was a picture with three boys. The one in the middle was blonde, Steven I'm guessing, the one on the right had dark brown hair and seemed to be about a year older than Steven, and the one on the left had dirty blonde hair, he looked as though he was a good five years older than Steven.

I looked at the other pictures and most of them seemed to have the same brown-haired kid. The kid looked really familiar but I can't quite put a finger on where from.

"So I see you've found my pictures from when I was growing up in Australia." Steven chuckled from where he was standing in the doorway. "Yeah, you look so cute in these pictures. There is one kid that is with you in almost every picture. Who is he?" "Oh, you mean Troye. He's my best mate. We grew up together and he was the nicest kid ever. He also had a cute little brother named Tyde and a hilarious sister named Sage."

I gasped, "You mean Troye Sivan, Tyde Levi, and Sage Mellet?" "So I see you've heard of them?" Steven chuckled. "Of course I have, who hasn't? They're YouTube stars. Plus, Troye is a great singer." "Well then, I'll be sure to introduce you to them if they ever come visit." "Really?!" "Really."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That means so much to me." I rushed over to Steven and engulfed him in a hug.

Steven chuckled and said, "It's no problem. If there wasn't a time difference between here and Australia, we'd be Skypeing Troye right now. I think he's flying here later this month with his siblings, you'll be able to meet them then." "Are you serious right now? This is truly unbelievable."

"I'm serious." He stated, an amused look on his face. "Are you still jogging this morning because I was wondering if I could maybe tag along." "Oh, sure." "Great, I've been meaning to find a way to work out. Sports are just not my thing." "Yup, I agree with that statement." "Okay, I'm going to change seeing as it is very hard to run in skinny jeans."

Steven emerged out of the bathroom a few moments later wearing a black shirt and black sweats. We started stretching a little then started jogging towards the park.

It took about ten minutes but when we finally got to the park, it was empty. "I guess no one really likes the park now a days." "Yeah." "Race you to the swings!" I exclaimed before running over to the swings.

Not surprisingly, I got to them first. Just as I was about to sit down, my phone rang.


"Hello sweetheart. I was wondering if you could come home right now, I need a little help with something."

"Oh, sure. I'm on my way."

I hung up and turned to Steven, "I'm sorry Steven but I'm needed at home. I've got to go. I hope you understand. Talk to you later." "Okay, talk to you later." He kissed my cheek as we both went our separate ways.

"I'm home." "Hello darling." "So what did you need mom?" "I was actually thinking of getting the walls painted a different color. Also maybe moving out. As much as I love this house, it's meant for four people, not two." "No mom! It's fine. I don't want to move. Here is perfectly fine. Our house is right next to all of my friends. I love it too much to move. I've lived here my whole life. I-" "Calm down Maya, I said maybe, it's not for sure and I know it's not going to be around now but maybe in the future." "Okay, that works better. So about the paint..."

A/N I updated a couple hours early cause I was planning on doing a double update for y'all, how does that sound?

Anyways, how was the chapter? The kiss? It was as but unexpected but ya know, I'm random like that.

See you all later

Peace out everyone. x

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