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A/N I'm bAck

Today's the day.

I stood in front of the mirror with my beautiful white dress, it went down to my mid thigh. I had on light pink flats that went great with my dress.

"How do I look?" I asked my mom, turning towards her with a questioning look.

"My little baby's growing up so fast. I only your father were here to see this, he'd be so proud." I noticed that my mom's eyes had started tearing up.

I pulled her into a tight embrace and said, "Don't cry mom. There's nothing to cry about. I'm only graduating high school." "I know but it's just that you've grown so much and you've become such a beautiful young lady. I'm so proud to call you my daughter."

"Aww, mom, you're making me emotional." I said as a tear slid down my cheek, luckily, I was wearing waterproof mascara so it didn't run as much.

I wiped under my eyes and checked the mirror, making sure I looked okay, before I turned to my mom and asked, "Ready to go?" "Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there, wait for me in the car. I've just got to put on shoes."

I knew she was lying because she was wearing shoes but I let it slide. I walked out to the car and unlocked the door with the keys I had taken from the table.

I sat in the passenger seat and waited for a few minutes before my mom came out.

"Okay, let's go." She said as she got in the car. My mom pulled out of the driveway and the whole ride to school, my mom and I were talking about college.

We pulled into the packed parking lot and my mom said, "go, you're running late. I'll park the car. Now go." She shooed me out of the car and I quickly walked to the school hallway.

The students were supposed to get to school at 10:30 to get ready and take their places while the actual ceremony doesn't start until 11. I looked through the people and finally spotted the twins.

I ran up to them and exclaimed, "Happy graduation day!" Both of them jumped, not knowing that I was behind them.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." Sky said. "Absolutely beautiful." Sydney agreed. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourselves." The two of them were wearing tuxes. Sydney wearing a black one while Sky was wearing a white one.

"Okay! Students! Please make sure you are standing in the correct order before we go out!" One of the principal's assistants said.

I moved in front of the boys, Sky behind me and Sydney behind his big brother.

We soon started walking out and people started cheering. The principal started saying some stuff and soon enough names were being called.

After the name calling, kids who had prepared speeches had stepped up to the podium. Most of them were saying how they'd miss the school and the friends they've made here.

The last person to make a speech was Leor. I smirked, having known what he would say. He looked at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. He looked nervous as he walked up to the microphone.

"Hello everyone. My name is Leor Yule and before I start my speech, I want to say how great this school is. Some of the best memories I have took place here. From when I first started playing football, to coming out, to birthdays, to holidays. I spent all of them with my best friends. Right now, I'd like to call up one of my best friends, my boyfriend, Sky Miller."

Sky looked confused but Sydney and I were telling him to go. He quickly shuffled up to where Leor was.

"Sky may seem shy right now but in reality, he's an amazing, loud, outgoing guy." Leor paused and took Sky's hand in his own.

The OutsidersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon