Chapter 7

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A/N early update cause I won't have wifi over the weekend and I'm busy tomorrow.

Picture on the side is a sunset that went on a couple days ago (I took the picture) and I thought why not share it with you guys? It's pretty cool.


When we were near the surprise location, Leor told me to cover my eyes. I did as told and a few minutes later, the car came to a stop. I heard Leor take the keys out of the ignition. Leor's door opened then closed and soon after, my door opened and my seatbelt was unbuckled.

"Maya, can you step out of the car but still keep your eyes covered?" Leor asked me.

"Okay" I said as I stood up, with a little difficulty though because I couldn't see.

Leor started guiding me around for a little bit before saying, "Okay, open your eyes." I opened my eyes and gasped. In front of me was a playground, but to me, it was no ordinary playground. It was the very same playground that I met Leor at. It was my old elementary school. They closed it a few years ago so now it's just an abandoned school.

"I know it's not much but I thought that the perfect place to take you on your first date would be the very same place we both met for the first time..." Leor started rambling.

I turned towards him and pressed my lips lightly to his, "It's perfect, I love it." I mumbled against his lips. I lightly pecked him before pulling away.

"C'mon, follow me, this isn't all of it." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together before pulling me after him. We walked to the entrance of the school and he opened the door.

How'd he get it open? Shouldn't it be locked? As if reading my mind, Leor said, "Sydney and I came over earlier and we picked the lock, even though neither of is knew how to, we managed to unlock it."

The two us walked to the familiar janitors closet and he opened the door for us. "Do you remember this?" He asked as we walked in.

"How could I forget?" I asked. Leor moved some stuff to reveal a ladder and then he started climbing up it. I followed close behind.

When we got to the top I gasped, "It's beautiful!" There was a picnic blanket in the middle of the roof with a basket, probably filled with food, on top of it. The sky was beautiful. The sun was setting and it looked amazing.

"Thanks, I thought you'd like it," Leor said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Shall we sit?" He asked, gesturing at the picnic.

"We shall," I said with an affirmative nod.

We bursted out laughing. Sophistication is not our thing. If someone talks in a sophisticated, serious way, the two of us will just laugh. We don't know why we do it but we do it anyways.

We sat down and Leor opened up the basket. He set down two plates, two sets of utensils, and two cups in front of us. He then took out a container. He opened the container and inside was spaghetti with meatballs (A/N I started laughing when writing this sentence and I honestly don't know why). After putting some spaghetti on my plate and some on his, we started eating.

We watched the sunset while just chatting and laughing. To me, it felt like old times, when we used to hang out on the roof during school.

"Remember when we filled up water balloons and dropped them on people's heads when they walked out of school?"

"Yes! Oh my gosh! Their reactions were so funny! How did we not get caught?!" We burst out laughing at the memory. We were crazy kids.

"I have no clue. I'm pretty sure a teacher saw us once but didn't rat us out to the principal or anything," "Yeah, maybe."

Leor leaned over and opened up the picnic basket. He grabbed something that I couldn't see out of it.

"Desert, is served," he said, holding a red velvet cupcake towards me. I grabbed it and took a bite of it. It was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted.

"This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!" I said to Leor.

"You really think so?" "Mhm" I replied, mouth full of red velvet.

Leor stood up, "C'mon, follow me," he said. I did as told. we went down the ladder and walked out of the janitors closet. Then we walked to the front of the school and went outside.

"Race you to the playground!" Leor said. He then took off running. I ran after him towards the playground. He then started slowing down but I was too close to him in order to stop so I bumped into him and we both fell to the ground. We stared at each other and then burst out laughing.

Leor stood up and offered me his hand to help me get up. I took it and he pulled me up. I intertwined our fingers and started walking towards the playground, "can you push me on the swings?!" "Sure."

We walked over to the swings and I let go of Leor's hand. I sat on the swing and Leor came up behind me and started pushing the swing. After a few pushes, he sat down on the swing next to me and started swinging.

We were like two five year olds on swings. Every time we swung either backwards or forwards, for some reason unknown to us, we'd both start laughing.

After a while of swinging, I went over to the playground and started climbing on it, laughing in the process.

"I'm the queen of the world!" I yelled. I started giggling when I felt Leor's arms go around my waist.

"Hey babe," he whispered in my ear.

The two of us got off of the playground and walked over to the field. We laid down on the grass and started looking for star constellations, pointing them out when we found one.

After about an hour of laying there, the two of us walked back to the car.

When we got back to my house, Leor walked me up to the door.

"I had an amazing time tonight." "I did too," I smiled and then we both leaned in for a short, sweet kiss.

"Goodnight babe." "Goodnight," I unlocked the door and walked inside, shutting the door behind me.

"How was your date?" Sky asked.

"Were you here the whole time I was gone?"

"Yas girl yas," he replied imitating Ricky Dillon. "So how'd it go?"

"It was amazing," I replied, a smile growing on my face. "Will you tell me what happened?" "Not now, I'm too tired to explain."

I walked into my room and took off my shoes and socks. Then I took off my glasses and bandana. I ruffled my hair a bit when I took it out of the bandana. "Are you staying over?" I asked Sky. "Yeah." "Okay. Now get out, I need to change." "Fine."

I locked the door after he got out and took off my shorts. I took off my flannel and my shirt next. Finally, I took off my bra. I went over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I am no where near petite. I am actually the opposite of it. No one ever calls me skinny, but not a lot of people call me fat.

I turned around and walked away from the mirror. I grabbed a pair of plaid pj pants and a white shirt. I got dressed then walked over to the door to let Sky in. He had changed while I was getting changed. We now wore the same thing except he was not wearing a shirt.

"Let's go get you the mattress," I said as soon as I had opened the door. "Do we have to? Can't I just sleep with you?" "Ugh, fine."

That night, I fell asleep cuddled up with Sky on my queen-sized bed.

A/N hi! How are you all?

What'd you think of the date? Was it what you expected? What was your favorite part of the date?

Happy early Fourth of July for all my fellow Americans, I hope you have a good one!

Vote, comment, follow, whatever you please.

Goal for this chapter: 4 (for the 4th of July, haha) comments and 2 votes.

Peace out everyone. x

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