Chapter 11

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A/N early update cause I won't have wifi over the weekend.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

I woke up the next morning and realized that it was Wednesday, that means mile. In middle school, I would get around 11:30 and we needed to get under 12:00 in order to pass. In elementary school, I was never able to complete the mile because they'd stop us after about 21 minutes and just marked our time down as 12:00.

Wednesday is the best day of the week! Note the sarcasm. I got up and walked over to my closet and took out a gray shirt that says directioner, it shows what every letter of it stands for, with black skinny jeans, black vans, and a beanie. I then took off my pjs and put on my clothes. I went into the bathroom and did my daily routine of brushing my teeth and hair.

I grabbed my things and went downstairs. Leor texted me that we're going to walk to school instead of going in his car because it's at the mechanics and it was a nice morning so he didn't ask to borrow a car from his parents. I grabbed a granola bar and ate it before going outside to greet Leor.

"Hey Leor!" I said.

"Hey Maya, I need to talk to you about something," he said seriously. "Okay, what is it you want to talk about?"

"Our relationship. As much as I like you and our relationship, I think we should just go back to being friends. It's just kind of awkward because you're like a sister to me and it's weird dating your sister so can we go back to being best friends?"

"Sure. It's fine by me, just one more thing before we officially break up." "Yeah?" I kissed him and then pulled away and said, "You were the best boyfriend a girl can have. I hope your next girlfriend appreciates what she has."

I walked up to the twins' front door and knocked. The door opened a few seconds later to Sydney. "Morning. Sky is still getting ready so it might take a while," he said while grabbing his bag.

Sky came down a few minutes later wearing a gray One Direction sweatshirt and black skinny jeans.

"Cool shirt Sky." "Yours is cool too."

"Okay, let's head to school!"

It took us about ten minutes until we finally got to school. We went over to Sky, Sydney, and my lockers as we got our textbooks and notebooks.

"See you guys first period," I waved to Sydney and Leor as they walked to Leor's locker. Sky and I turned around and started heading towards our advisory but before we could go, I bumped into Steven.

"Oh, sorry Steven," I said as he helped me up and picked up my books. "Thanks."

"Don't say sorry, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Okay, thanks again," I said before saying goodbye and walking away with Sky.

Soon enough, it was third period, the period I dreaded everyday, PE. I put my books in my locker then walked to the girls' locker room which was close to my locker. I walked in and went up to my locker and put the combination in. I changed into my PE uniform and put on some shoes before going outside.

I waited for about five minutes until the bell rang and walked over to role call. When I got there, Sky was already there so I talked with him until our teacher came.

"Okay class be quiet while I take role." After our teacher took role, we ran a mile, got our times written down, and were then put into teams for soccer. Sadly for me though, Sky and Leor weren't on my team. In fact, the two of them were on the same team.

My team had five boys and three girls. I played defense with another girl while the last one was told to help us with defense. The guys on my team kept on arguing about who is goalie and who is paying mid-field. During the game, the goalie would switch to be a mid-fielder while no one was goalie.

I didn't like my team that much if I'm being honest. The guys wouldn't let us girls touch the ball. We only succeeded in saving the ball from going in the goal a couple of times and when we couldn't save it, the guys would yell at us. They weren't just any guys yelling at us, the two that would yell at us don't really care about anything. It's rare that they do dress and they get sent to the dean's office so often that I've lost count of how many times they've been sent. When PE was finally over, we had won 3-2.

After getting dressed in my regular clothes, I went out of the locker room and heard the bell ring before walking to my locker. Leor came up to me after a little while and we walked to his locker which is conveniently located right next to our math class.

We had a test today so we had to be quieter than usual, which I didn't think was possible because our class is so quiet that it's scary. I finished the test with ten minutes to spare so I packed my bag and read a book for the rest of the period.

Once the bell rang, Leor and I went to his locker then to mine to exchange our books. I got my history textbook and English notebook before the two of us walked to the lunch area. Sky, Sydney and Steven were already at the table when we sat down.

"Hey guys, so the game I have on Saturday, you guys will be there right?" Leor asked hopefully.

"Of course!" I said. "It'll be fun."

A/N hi

Sorry, I feel as if all my chapters look like fillers. I'm sorry.

Anyways, how was the chapter? What do you think of the breakup? Don't worry, the book isn't over yet, there's still another 20 chapters left.

Next chapter will be more interesting, more spicy I guess you can say.

Be sure to comment your thoughts and vote for the chapter if you liked it. Follow me if you'd like to also!

Until next week!

Peace out everyone. x

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