{Underneath This Hanky... Is Love}

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Underlust, is an Undertale AU in which monsters were entrapped Underground, and were affected by the power of LUST due to a human named, Chara, causing for them to crave in immeasurable lust. However, that may all change after Frisk falls down to the Underground in hopes to teach them all that love is better than LUST.

Hornies: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cinnabons: wut o-o

Me: oh yes. Jkkk

XD Guys, don't worry, I haven't lost my mind yet. This is, like all stories of Why Not? is 9 year old friendly!! Stick that to your mind, I will NEVER write a lemon. I'm a reverted Cinnabon, thank you so much. UwU

Anyways, why this tho? Well, I have this idea in my head in which, if people don't like Underlust, why didn't they think of turning the story to something much appropriate? Looking for one? You're in the right place, 'cause that's one challenge I am willing to take, and somehow, it really IS possible for Underlust to be written fluffy!

And so here you all go, ready for this?

Of course you are, and I have no warnings, this is 100% free of dirt, I guarantee your eyes. :3

Also, to those who don't know what a hanky means, it means, handkerchief.

This is a short oneshot, so it is unlocked. Enjoy! 💕


The naturally carved soft foundation of crystal white snowflakes gently fall endlessly around them as they strolled across the blackwooded forests of Snowdin, a town once filled of jolly people, now settled of lust-toxic monsters, that craved of only one thing. And you may not wanna know what that one thing is, no siree, even for me.

Now we see here a skeleton wearing such revealing neon purple-blue-and-black combination of clothes, being cautiously dragged around by a brunette human girl in front of him, who wore her usual purple and lavender striped sweater, a pair of khaki brown shorts, and brown leather boots. A radiant lively red rose was in her free hand, while he had on a black hanky wrapped around his eyes and skull covering his eye sockets from the view outside. He groaned irritatedly at the bandana's presence, but did not complain.

He just woke this morning, expecting to find his lovely toy in front of him to grasp, only to see nothing at all but darkness. It seemed his Frisk here blindfolded him, much to his confusion. But he did not question, thinking she could be playing a trick, or a surprise for him. A splendid surprise indeed, he thought lustfully. He didn't want to ruin that 'surprise' so the whole morning was a silent run between the two of them, and he couldn't wait.

Right now, the hanky's starting to annoy him, to the fact that he grew impatient, he wanted to see how his dolly's doing, and... it itches like heck.

However, like before, he did not complain, he did not talk a single letter. Just trudging along with this girl, feeling the smooth and softness of her palms as they walked further.

Sometimes, he just couldn't understand this woman.

She was cryptic, really mysterious, the type who never liked to talk much at all. But her beauty, ah, why, it gives him a shot of adrenaline, wanting to take her as his even more. Yet why hasn't he? What kept him from doing something he's already done before?

As they went deeper into the forest, he no longer felt the chills of snow, for it was replaced with an aura of equality, his vision from beneath the blindfold darkening. At some point, he felt scared at this new environment, but excited at the same time. Could this be a room? He joyously hoped.

But as he felt her hand pull him down gently to sit, he frowned at the feeling of grass underneath him. He knew they were in a place of serenity, a place most monsters, including him, did not take any fancy at all, for it was too... Romantic? And slow.

But hey! He could just do her about anytime, any place, he didn't care. He wanna do it right here, right now, so he blindly turned to her direction in attempts to swiftly grab her, but failed after discovering she wasn't there. Instead, she was on the other side of him, much to his embarassment and frustration. He didn't try again tho. He had never felt so ashamed in his whole entire life, his already purple tinted cheekbones darkening in shade.

Frisk on the other hand, noticed her friend pouting beside her, and the sudden change of tone of his cheeks. After realizing his misery, she could only giggle in ecstacy at his state.

"it's not funny!" he growled, hiding his purple face back in his hoodie.

Underneath the hood, however, he couldn't help but wonder... What is this feeling? He had never felt such complicated emotion before. He felt so happy.

Ever since meeting this human, he began developing different sorts of feelings, good or bad, whatever, somehow, the sight of her transforms even the worst of its kind, and he...

He loved it.

He came to the brilliant realization that this was love, not the rapid pace of lust, but the loving slow-paced compassion this expression held.

"Sorry." she suddenly spoke for the first time this day, much to his surprise, causing him to love her in care more than before, for her voice came out low and soft like milk and honey.

"That must be bothering you." she said in worry, giving him a look of pity, which of course, he could not see, "Here, let me take that off you-" but as she was about to place her hands to remove the hanky, he stopped her in a gentle way, holding her hands in his. His ivory fingers traced the stem of the smooth petalled flower she still held.

"ya know what?" he grinned genuinely, "it kinda felt comfy in a good way, i want it on as long as i like, so don't."

"But, you'll-"

"don't worry about me, doll. i loved this. i'm doing this since..." he paused, taking the rose off her hand, and placing it behind her ear, with his own phalange caressing her cheek, "love is blind, ain't it?"

Even with the restriction for the ability to see her, he could feel her cheeks heatening up from his words and touch, and he smiled at that.

If being blind is the only way for him to control his lustful craves, a way for him to explore love slowly, but surely, so be it. This was his surprise he was patiently waiting for; a splendid surprise indeed. The fact that underneath this hanky... is love. And he is not letting it go that easily.


A/n: See? What did I say? :3

Anyways, just a disclaimer: just because I made this story all fluffy, it doesn't mean you could just go in a frenzy, searching Underlust willy-nilly. Seriously, no, don't look up on Underlust, I advice you that, NEVER. It's still not safe, sadly, so don't even try thinking of going there!

I just made this friendly, 'cause I wanna take it off my mind. Also, I've never red an Underlust story before, never, even now. I wrote this all based on my own view of what-ifs.

Now, since it's all done, I'll see you all, pinksterz💕 in the next story. Byeah!

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