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A/n: Konichiwa, pinksterz!💕

I'm really, really, really sorry... I lost my foundation motivation to continue writing locked chapters. Just looking at my third rewrite on '...' made me very depressed, I literally started crying, trying so hard to hold back my tears of stress and frustration. In short, I cannot continue, unless I find the will and stop telling myself over and over again, "What have I done wrong to have this happen to me every single day!?"

To those who did not know, and are over the top confused to whatever I was babbling about; I lost '...' thrice in a row, okay?!

If you think it's dumb that I decided to do this, may I remind you of 'I Love You'? Of 'Mine And Only Mine 2'? Of 'Please... Heal Her 3'?! And now, this... Rewritten junk. Of course, I'd be furious and depressed!

So now, just as I was about to finally declare surrender, and just throw this book to the dumps where it belongs, thank Apple, I found inspiration to at least write a short unlocked oneshot, again, to make it all up to you. I want to thank my best friend MynameisAppleUWU for this.

Fives, you must be very confused, but whatever we've just discussed. TwT I don't know how to thank you enough to perk my lonely state up. Thank you, Washington!💕

Now, Butterscotch-Cinnamon, is not related to 'You?', no pun intended.

Enjoy, I guess?


Is this the place? She asked at absolutely no one at all, her honey-glazed sunkist gaze fixed to the lively establishment in front of her, the sound of a ding, audible beneath the black, window paned door, that served as entrance to whatever lies beyond it. The sound was produced by a passing jogger, all dressed in his yellow sweat suit, as he opened the said door to enter.

The words 'Spider Café' was exquisitely inscribed in amethyst glinting scribbles on the wooden web-designed sign, located dangling right above the doorway.

She smiled, taking in the welcoming tone of this café.

She rarely comes by it, due to the sky-high, yet deserving prices of the products sold in this place. She could just barely sip on plain instant coffee, not able to afford a simple cup of hot chocolate, no siree.

But this time, she had a different purpose in mind. She isn't here for that, unfortunately to, she didn't even know why she's here.

[MonsieurCheshire: Do you trust me?]

[GoldenButterscotch: I haven't met you, but... I have a feeling I knew you better.]

[MonsieurCheshire: Ah, srsly?? Ya tryin to butter me up, eh, butterscotch? ;-)]

[GoldenButterscotch: Eww, shut up, what do you want, mister smiles-a-lot? XD]

[MonsieurCheshire: XD I'll take that as a yes, then. I want you to go to this place. I'm sending you its coordinates.]

[GoldenButterscotch: WHAT?! You want me to go out of hiding?? How would I know if you're not trying to do anything...? You're scaring me. ;w;]

[MonsieurCheshire: Relax, butter. I ain't gonna do anythin. Besides, ya won't be alone, it's a café. ;3]

What is he planning? She asked herself, turning up the knob of the door, as great whiz of caffeine aroma, along with sweet-smelling pastry reached her pink-toned nose. Such a pleasurable atmosphere, no wonder the café was a relaxing environment.

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