{I'm Back!}

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A/n: Konichiwa, pinksterz! 💕

Are you guys having a good day? Yes? That's nice, 'cause I'm totes jealous of you. The title above is a title for a oneshot, this is not an author's note.

The bad news is, there would be a delay on "...". Long story short, it's gone, deleted, Poof! So I'll have to rewrite it all over again for the second time. ;w;

The good news is, a really dear friend of mine lent me this wonderful work. I keep telling them that I don't think I want to take something that isn't mine, plus, their writing was, dammit, amazing! Like wow, so I hesitated. But they insisted, and I want to thank them and apologize for this. I'm sorry for having you involved in this, my dear friend. You know, you shouldn't have. TwT

This oneshot was entirely written by Saviorbook so please, if you guys haven't checked them out yet, throw this piece of trash away, and quickly, QUICK! Head on to their account right now!! Come on, click that mention up there, follow them, FOLLOW EM! Check out their works, 'cause it's like no other, I can guarantee you that, their writing, their skills, the way it all flowed in such harmony, please! Plus, they're super nice, they lent me this, thank you, you really are a Savior. ;w;

Now, without further ado, "I'm Back!".


Dusttale is probably one of the most well-concepted AUs ever made (in my own opinion XD). It follows after a seemingly never-ending path to Genocide, driven especially by Frisk, under the possession of an unrecognizable entity, we all know by the  demon who comes when you say it's name; Chara.

After several, no, countless resets, Sans takes on the role of being insane, believing that killing everyone with his own bare hands could be an act of 'mercy', 'sparing everyone from the LOVE-stained hands of Chara'.

In the end, however, soon realized his mistake, and the real meaning of mercy, after Frisk managed to break free from possession, saving him from the attempted murder of the child who held them captive.

Well, even insanity stories does have happy endings, amiright?

Wrong! >:3

Get ready, for another torture, pinksterz💕, mwehehehe...


It was calm. Wind whistled throughout the underground, the snow blew colder than it ever had before, and Sans, while he knew why, no longer had the capacity to care. Papyrus was next to him, and as far as he was concerned, that was all that mattered anymore.

“BROTHER… WHY DON'T YOU JUST KILL HER?” It was still odd to hear such a quiet venom come from his little brother.

“i just want to wait a little longer...” Sans had been holding off from answering this question ever since the demon had taken his kill.


“BECAUSE I STILL LOVE HER!” As soon as he said it, he shut down. He hated thinking about it, about her, how she made him feel, what they were…

“SANS… WHAT DO YOU MEAN, STILL?” Sans froze in place as Papyrus floated there, judging him.

“heh… i really hoped i wouldn’t have to tell you any of this. heck, i don’t even really know why i’m going to...” He trailed off, not realizing that Papyrus had already faded, and he was left to talk to himself. (Not like that was new.)

Why Not? [Frans And Sarisk Oneshot Book]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant