{Please... Heal Her! II}

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A/n: Marhaban, pinksterz!💕

Mine, and Only Mine is the most awaited oneshot requested heavily by the Key Masters. Ranking beside it in equal comparison, they also chose to request... Using their key to unlock the part two of Please... Heal Her!

Yes. This oneshot wasn't supposed to be here, as to there were already oneshots in line before this one, but because one of the Key Masters added this option, and that it reminded me that I have already finished writing part two ever since finish writing the part one of this sequel, I decided... hehe, why not?

Key Masters:




Such a nice word to both of them. Although a slight hit was felt inside those glowing souls of theirs, it was nice to hear that things are going pretty well between our two protagonists.

A lot of things have changed ever since the day they got along with each other... too well.

Instantly, the two became the best of friends. Frisk doesn't feel so lonely anymore. Although he'd only come during the afternoon, she was still glad he became her companion. Changing him was way too easy.

Easy to be true, that is.

The patient thought her doctor fully changed to a whole new person, but no. Blinded by how bright his smile could get whenever she's around him, in the eyes of the outside world, however, he did not. To them, he was still the cruel, arrogant, and stone-hearted surgeon they all once and will ever know.

He didn't care of how they'd think of him. Whatever she sees in him is all that matters to him. As long as he sees that bright smile of hers that could melt his soul all day, everything would reverse, turning his world upside down.

He couldn't help but smile at all the times they had spent together in the hospital. There are times when only he and she can be seen sitting side by side, laughing, chatting, eating... Those were the times he was happiest.

"Sans! You're spilling them!" she scolded in horror, seeing him trying to break an egg while failing to land the goop in the mixing bowl. He chuckled, hearing her angelic voice say his name. Only she had the right to call him that way, he thought.

They were both at the Isolation Area's deserted cafeteria. Despite the gloomy ambience the abandoned kitchen gave, the sounds of their laughter echoing through the walls helped lighten it up. They were baking pies. Well, tried to, without destroying the kitchen.

"Geez, sorry Ms. Mercy. Didn't know cracking an egg could be this eggs-hausting." He laughed, as Frisk only shrugged, huffing, "You're making things eggs-acerbate!"

"Well you should've warned me that this will be eggs-treme. I should've been eggs-tra careful then."

"Then stop being an egg-head and start cracking those eggs!"


He chuckled, reminiscing a memory. She was the only one who got to his humerus side, heh. All because of having a funny bone herself. And now, look at him. Sure he'd dash into the operation area for his emergency surgical missions, but not as fast as he'd zoom towards Patient #25's ward just to see her greeting him happily again.

Why Not? [Frans And Sarisk Oneshot Book]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن