{A Daydream Come True}

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A/n: Ah… Finally!

You understood! So welcome all to my first oneshot, hope you all enjoy!

Note: Pinksterz, this AU does not belong to me, and it’s not yet an official AU but it’s still under measurement, so basically, the AU’s not a final submission. The AU under surveillance will be released soon, and it belongs to a friend of mine, pinkster PrincessJoanna202, who will be publishing this AU in her own account, so please, do not try and post anything about this AU unless given permission.

You: What about this?

A/n: I have received full permission to create a teaser oneshot about the said AU, so practically, I’m doing this in promotion of the AU, not because it belongs to me.

Honestly, I was super excited to do this oneshot, ‘cause she made me check the unfinished document, and I was like, wow! Soo kawaii! It’s just so adorable that I gotta admit, it deserves a oneshot, so I asked Joana if I could create one for it, just so you know, help out a bit, and she agreed, so yeah!

Anyways, this is dedicated to pinkster PrincessJoanna202 for supporting and helping out!


It was a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, kids like her, should be running around, playing with friends.

But no, that is one thing she couldn’t even do.

She sighed, giving a quick glance at the people having a good time outside, before continuing to roll the wheels of her wheelchair towards the side of her purple-sheeted bed. She had a hard time climbing on the bed, but managed to do just that, flopping unto it, spreading her short chocolate brown hair across her pillow.

She looked down at her wheelchair, then glared back at her legs.

It had already been six years since she lost the ability to walk freely. Before that, she was happy. Just like any other kids out there, she was glad, she could run, walk, crouch, jump, and climb. The reason for her situation was highly unacceptable. Back when she was ten.

While most adults and other children liked everything about her, being kind, friendly, and even cute, those are just things that angered other kids around her. Surely, they were jealous of her grabbing all the attention. So because of that one stupid reason, she often tends to get bullied all the time. Every day it gets even worse. At first, it was all words, frick talk. Then the next thing she knew, they’d throw things at her, from piece of paper, to bottles and even rocks.

Monsters are one thing that could help cheer her up. She was very fascinated, intrigued to learn more about these amazing creatures, she’d usually look outside her window, watching them conversing with each other. How wonderful! If only she could be friends with them, but no. Humans have kept themselves away from them, just to keep ‘safe’.

But her fantasies about them did not last long, however. One incident made her almost completely be grateful the humans sealed the monsters in Mt. Ebott using a magic spell.

When she really did have the chance to speak to them, she was giddy all day, excitement drowning her in. Humans are said to harm any monster at sight, but she on the other hand, made sure to give them every bit of kindness she had in her.

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