{Thank You}

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A/n: I'm back!💕

So yeah, my vacation's over, school just started, and we're back in business, babies! Recently, I was thinking of publishing Please... Heal Her! 3 as an epic debut for mweh, but... I see you guys have not unlock that one yet, so I'll have to store it for now, sorry.

Thinking what I should disclose as a comeback, I was currently stuck in a Riverdale vibe, soo... Sans will be Juggy, our wittle badboy Forsythe, and Frisk would be goodie-goodie Betty. (I ship this two so much, so fight meh!)

And NO! This is not Echotale!!! No way am I writing G in any of my stories (except for Stained Glass). Imma flip outta here, just pleazeeee don't!

Instead, I introduce to you... Underfell.

In my honest opinion, (no offense to Underfell fans!✌) probably the most boring AU to write Frans in... *whispers* ever. Yikes.

I mean, I like Underfell, I tried searching up fanfics about it too, buut... almost all of them (again, no offense to Underfell fans and authors!✌) did not reach my likings; it always involved fricking Chans in them (hey, should I count how many times I'd say no offense in this chapter?! Ok, seriously, NO OFFENSE!), Sans breaks up with Chara because of her death, yadda yadda yadda, Frisk as a second choice blahblahblah... And if not, it always warned me of lemons! And what are lemons? What does that supposed to mean?

I mean, back then, my first guess about lemons are about puns, 'cause whenever I see a lemon book, it always get displayed beside a pun book, so I assume it's a pun chapter?? I don't know, never bothered to check 'cause the warnings they give always creeps me out.

But anyways, hope you know what a lemon is so someone could tell me what it is.

But hey?! We're off topic!

Underfell, you're up! This is a short chapter, that's why it's unlocked. 😊


Underfell is an AU, much like Undertale, only altered in a much crueler side of things.

If Underswap switches characters, the personality of each characters in Underfell are changed to the complete negative opposite, however, some aspects may not be altered, for instance, Papyrus may not be as a cinnamon roll like before, but he still stick to making spaghetti, and that Sans may be rude, drinks mustard instead of ketchup and all, but still stood with the puns at hand.

Also, umm... yeah, Riverdale reminded me of Underfell, but the oneshot won't be based there, A LOT, sorry. Instead, the story was inspired from one of my favorite Frans fanfic book; Front Stroke by LolliJade, so if you guyz haven't check that out--CHECK, IT, AWT!!! 'Cause to me, not just Front Stroke, but all of Loli's stories are ah-mazing, and they were one of the many authors who inspired me to write a oneshot book. Thanku, Lolli!💕

Front Stroke, except it's Fell-versh and nega... GO!

⚠Warning: May contain topics of self-uselessness, that I like to call it that way XD. If you are uncomfortable of such a drastic topic, consult a Gaster--I mean, consult a doctor--I MEAN, (What the frick is goin on with meh??) you've been warned! Also, mild language, I mean, it's fricking Underfell of course!


Cornered once more.

To the hearts of anyone willing to try her situation, let them be filled with regret, guilt... fear, for there wasn't a visibly secured passage to either side of the man who entrapped her. Her expression, however, was not that of what we expected to see.

Why Not? [Frans And Sarisk Oneshot Book]Where stories live. Discover now