{You're My Destination II-B} (Bonus)

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Konichiwa, pinksterz!💕

It's me, I'm back from recovery, and am super hyped to keep things going!

I would sincerely like to apologize for my recent disappearing acts, especially to DJ, after checking how fricking worried they are right now.

But now that I'm back, I'll gladly continue whatever it is that I have left, starting with the unfinished part two of You're My Destination. Very sorry for that.

Aaandd... Before I left, this book was all like, 400+ reads, and now?

Thanku all for a big 700+ reads!💕 You pinksterz are the best!

Anyways, I guess it's safe to say, let's move on to through the chapter then. I warn you that this'll be a bit short, since it's only a fragment, and slightly shows Frans in it, sorry.


"That useless bag of bones just gets on my nerves all the time!" Grumbled the brunette human, who folded her arms to a pout, her fairly pale-toned complexion reddening to an angry fume.

She was standing beside a petite lab coat-clothed yellow reptile, who was nervously adjusting her pair of spectacles, in front of a huge grey door, located right at the end of the grey-painted corridors of the palace.

At this moment, the girl was all dressed up in her nicest clothes, which happened to be the same clothing she wore back when she crashed down to the Underground; the newly-repaired formally elegant white blouse underneath a navy blue blazer and a pair of navy blue square pants. She was wearing a pair of dark-tinted butterfly sunglasses, and held a black leather suitcase to complete the look. And from the looks of her, she seemed to be preparing to impress some king. King Asgore Dreemurr that is.

Frisk was actually planning out with Alphys to make ways for her to do a peaceful appointment with the said king. Her intention was simple; to make a deal for her to stay and find a way to break the barrier, freeing all of monsterkind. She was eventually, surprised he even agreed in such late notice.

"I-I'm sure S-sans was j-j-just worried for y-you, Frisk. I-I know for s-sure he'd only r-react like that if i-it involves s-s-someone he loves. And b-besides, you d-don't have to d-do this if you're not s-sure." Alphys reassured shakily, gathering effort to calm the frustrated human.

"Oh I'm one hundred percent sure I'm all game for this! If I've already made my company's number one enemy in Korea bow down to our feet, then I bet there won't be anything stopping me from even just measly talking with a king!" She boomed, haughtily, before sighing to a calmer manner, "You know what, let's just--" as she was about to inform the reptile for them to continue in heading towards the throne room, her phone softly rang.

She sighed once more in a frown as soon as she checked the caller ID.

"Answer h-him." The scientist urged.

"Hello?" She spat venomously. However, no one answered. Only the sounds of monsters' chatting and laughter was heard... along with a certain skeleton she learned to despise at the moment.

"y'know... ain't it a bit too stuffy in this small world we have, am i right?"

"Yeah!" One slurred.

"You got that one right, Sansy!" Another complained.

"but no matter how snowy, and cold it is out there, my world made sure to keep it sunny for me all day."

His world. She sighed. She knew exactly what he meant by that. A small tug on her soft pink lips seemed to find its way to her face, though not big enough to be considered as a smile. She kept listening.

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