{You're My Destination}

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Having no internet sucks now look! I didn't get to publish chapters and this one all because of it!!!

Anyways, congratulations to you all, pinksters!💕 You finally get what I mean, and opened this chapter for the first time with other pinksters!💕 Yay!

Here are the key masters for today's chapter:


Hope you guys enjoy, and I'll see you key masters/whizards in the 1st Annual TPC Collab Party!

On to the story...


“Attention, passengers. This is your captain speaking. We would like to request for all to please stay calm, and wear your seatbelts. There is absolutely no need to wo---” the message was unfortunately followed by the sound of static before… CRASH!


Sans had a pretty rough day today. He recently got fired from Grillby’s, but even though, he still kept smiling all day, trying to hide the fact of being depressed over some stupid work he got kicked out from just because he was taking a little nap.

Okay, maybe not too little, but still!

He sighed, continuing to walk, passing through the snowy pathway through the forest of Snowdin. Everything was quite peaceful, until the smell of smoke was noticed. It was coming from deep through the woods, so he decided to follow what seems to be a trail of smoke. It led him to an undiscovered plane crash site.

He easily made out what it was; a fancy private jet. He knew about it from seeing pictures of it in thin books that came from the surface above. A magazine, or so the humans call it.

Swanky. The jet was clearly expensive from the looks of it, though most of its features are all covered up with much damage from crashing. Must be from up. He wasn’t surprise, however, for the fact of crash sites visible in the forests was considered a usual.

Stupid humans making machines that could eventually kill them. He chuckled at how stupid humans are before carefully going near the plane.

Inside are piles of bodies. Corpses. Everyone’s dead, no surprise there. The first time he came to see a plane crash, all monsters were very excited to know that a lot of human souls may be captured that day to help them break free from the Underground. Unfortunately, they lost interest.

Though human souls could be obtained from death, the strength and heat of the impact was far too strong, it completely destroyed every soul each aircraft held. And thus, monsters lost hope. So far, they only need one more soul in order to be free.

Only Sans could be seen prowling around the damaged aircrafts, scavenging for any interesting human made stuff. That’s where he got those magazines. His interest in airplanes soared, fascinated by the fact that it was used by humans to fly, travelling to many different parts of the world. He too, wished to travel around, like an airplane, but nay, that’s impossible.

After gathering new magazines, biscuits, and even ketchup packets, he turned to leave, only to hear a low groan beneath the plane. His left eye flared to life in a blue blaze, becoming alert from this newfound risk.

Something, or maybe, someone is struggling from one of the passenger seats, all facing away from him. Since the plane was in a toppled over position, the seats were located above the ‘ceiling’. Walking with caution, he summoned levitating blue aura-covered bones behind him, just in case. As soon as he arrived to the seat in an alert stance, he was surprised to see such a sight.

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