{Please... Heal Her! III: Flat Line}

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A/n: This is the SilentTale creator to you!

Suggested Music: Safe Behind The Ribs Of The One I Love The Most by Levitricus

Key Masters:


"And I am so tired of pretending I'm alive,
Still, I'll lie to myself,
And think I'm fine..."

-Safe Behind The Ribs Of The One I Love The Most by Levitricus

Saffron, cream, and finally, golden.

Or was it simply yellow? No one would know, as the tip of radiant rays of the gleaming glimmering sun, grasped its lustrous crystal light unto the soft cheerful petals of a single proud and noticeable flower, its stalk stood tall, lushed with such green leaves that seemed to sparkle due to the decorated drops of dew, a result of a faint mist that came strolling to enjoy the fading morning sky.

The said flower, smelled of sweet fragrance, resembling the scent of soft processed butter, a hint of cinnamon present in its pleasing aroma. No wonder its name suited it of all acceptable irony.

And you ask, to whose noble responsibility did this tiny yet attractive flower dwelled beneath? To which dainty palms was it lovingly cared in such kind passion?

Further through the window sill this flower pot stood, a lady of young age sat on a particular hospital bed, her legs rested underneath her blanket in immobility. A few of her chestnut locks, though effortlessly tied down to a bun, flew gently along with the breezing wind that welcomed its way from the open window as ventilation to what she preferred to call a room of 'suffocation'.

Currently, her honey-glazed golden irises scanned through the pages of a white book she held, concentrating on the mocha-inked paragraphs. In her own honest opinion, the book, entitled as 'The Great Gatsby', was pretty boring and uninteresting. Back at high school, she'd be more than elated to get her hands on one of the said scripture, but now that she has it... (Hypocrisy~)

Even though she wasn't at all oh so excited and fascinated, the book she now grasped was one she considered valuably precious to her. It was one of the things she wanted to cherish so greatly, since it was a gift of her dearest friend.

She could even remember how he handed her such a small thing in the past, how he was endearly charming and sweet to do so. Letting out an ached sigh, she had been wanting to tell him what else she felt in her soul, aside from the masked symptoms of her condition worsening, which she had no intent of attending to.

This feeling... scared her at first. Whenever he was around her, she could always sense that sudden shocking tugging of strings in her soul, as if her pulse strummed an excited beat, singing through the depths of her weakening body, bringing harmonious energy to her entire being. He was like aspirin to her, someone who eases her pain. He was her doctor.

"Who are you thinking of?" A voice asked her, breaking her unconscious reading. She tilted her head to see Nurse Sheena, her purple irises in a wondering crystal.

"I-I wasn't... thinking, I was reading!" She exclaimed in defense, flailing her hands about.

"Oh don't be so ridiculous, I know who." She paused, leaning towards the flustered patient with a mischievous look of tease, "You're thinking about bone boy, aren't you?"

Why Not? [Frans And Sarisk Oneshot Book]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang