{Take You Instead}

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A/n: This story is highly inspired from one of my favorite stories in the art of literature; Petronella. It's a good story, and if you wanna know more about it, search it up, natch!

To those who don't know yet, I am accepting requests! Hurrah.

Key Masters:



Does it have to involve the princess ending with her knight in shining armor? Or better yet, her prince charming?

Does it always have to be a magical adventure where the prince saves the princess from a tower? From a ferocious dragon?

Well tell you what. I know a story where our young heroine ain't some damsel in distress, so better yet, call her 'Princess Charming'.


Long ago, there stood a kingdom reigned by, of course, the monarch.

However, there's a lot you should know how things worked out here in the kingdom of Ebott. And that is, their coincidentally unusual flow of history.

From the first up to the current family, the cycle of their generation remains the same. It's always has been three boys were born in every generation, as princes of their humble nation. As they mature, all three would go out to seek their fortune.

The eldest and the second would always eventually end up never returning as they journey from afar, while the youngest would always bring back home a princess he'd save, and be crowned as the new king.

Today was the reign of King Asgore Dreemurr, the youngest son of the seventh generation of their family, together with his wife, Queen Toriel, which he saved from being locked up inside a castle known as the Ruins.

Like all generations, the queen did bore three children, however, while all are princes back then, the youngest child of King Asgore and Queen Toriel turned out to be... a girl.

A princess.

Nevertheless, they cared and loved their children equally, but mostly fond of their prized daughter they named as, Frisk. Never has anyone actually expected a girl to be born in the Dreemurr Household nor do they consider her as their shame. To them, her birth signifies luck and specialty of the royal family's current generation, thus earning them with much greater respect from the people of Ebott.

As the time has come for them to mature, Frisk's two older brothers, the eldest, Prince Asriel, and the second, Prince Chara, prepared to set out on seeking their fortune.

As soon as they arrived at the castle gates, they were greeted by their sister, all dressed up in clothes suited for traveling; a short sea blue dress that reached just below her knees, knee-high lavender socks, and a pair of brown leather boots. She carried around her purple-colored sling-on purse containing her essential needs for travel. By the looks of her, she seemed ready to go out for an adventure.

"If you think," she started, "that I'll just sit around waiting for a prince to save me, then you're as absurd as those who requests insincere peace treaty to our kingdom."

"We're absurd, all right, but you're crazy! A princess saving a prince?" Chara snorted insultingly.

"Impossible! What would people say?" pointed the king.

"And besides, we worry for your safety, dear sister." Added Asriel sympathetically.

Frisk only smiled at their comments. She knew they'd say exactly that, but she isn't daunted. She may look like a fragile person whose features showed her vulnerability, but she isn't like that. She's one fierce, and courageous princess whose only desire was to see the world, not being locked up in the castle waiting for someone to rescue her from what exactly?

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