{Why Not? 2020 Rewind} (A/n)

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No, Why Not? has not yet reached a year, but it will reach the end of 2020, right? Now, here in this chapter, we go back down to memory lane, as we do quick recaps on every oneshot we all cherished and proud to be part of.

Give me your honest opinions on each, okay?

You: Wait, what are we supposed to do??

No worries, it's either you plainly read this, leave this, or join in on this, whatever. All you have to do is to comment your opinions and what you felt for every chapter I behold, alright?

Let's go!



Just another year we knew of, we believed to just pass like any other year. However, whatever happened, was that of our naked eyes could never forget, as we gawk on to our world today in utterless disbelief.

It was the year of loss and gain.

A year where a handful, no, a borrow of mishaps and misery had left everyone in terror, vain, and hapless.

The 2020th, we did not expect to be.

However, beyond these sheets of agonizing reality, lies the syrupy golden rays of possible hope. Happiness.

At least... There exists a joyful occurrence, right?

Where we laughed...

~You're My Destination Series<

~The Formula Of Love<


Where we cried...

~Please... Heal Her! Series<


~Thank You<

~My Name Is Sans<

~I'm Back<

Where our hearts warmed...

~A Daydream Come True<

~Do You Love Me?<

~Take You Instead<

~I Love You<


~Rose Of The Walls Series<

~She's Kittenish<


And of course, heh. Where we felt a bit weirded out...

~Mine, And Only Mine Series<

Yet however, as we thought of how these had only drifted to pass us by, like a fragment of our tainted, yet cleansed mind, we do look forward for whatever was the future has to offer.

Will it then be the same way as we have glided by?

>... ~

>My Name Is Sans II~

>The One~

>Love Is Perfect~

>Ace No More~

>A Reaper's Encounter~

>Her Brother-In-La-~

>A Daydream Come True II~

(These aren't the only ones coming. XD)

One thing one must remember, before we head on to our tomorrows, is to put on a smile.

A smile in kudos for making it to where we are now.

Because, well... Why not?


Nope. I won't accept your advance keys here, sorry. XD

Thank you all so much for reaching such a point not everybody could achieve. I want to thank everyone for being part of every moment we stepped, hands intertwined as we strolled side-by-side.💕

Pinksterz💕, remember to stay patient, stay strong, stay determined, because I know for sure that we could do this!

Thank You 2020!

Why Not? [Frans And Sarisk Oneshot Book]Where stories live. Discover now