{My Name Is Sans II}

95 10 2

Key Masters:


A/n: It's been almost two months, probably, since I have ever reassured you all that I would publish this chapter, and yet, it's a month now!? Really, really sorry for that, and to make it up to you, I shall publish a batch of fresh oneshot in a day.

I asked you pinksterz💕 in the announcements if you could guess how many there are in a day, and L05Noah guessed to be 3 or 2. I told them, it's roughly near.

It's 5, Noah! XD

You: 5??!



"P..." images blurry to him sprang to his vision, as he uttered that very one portion of sound. He was asleep, and by the look of how he was trying hard to reciprocate with things, he seemed to be in trouble in such a dream. It wasn't just any vision, however. It was a recollection.

There, everything around him appeared blurry, but he could see himself playing a game of tag with a smaller person. "Catch me if you can!" the child in front of him giggled. This may not be real, and while he wasn't sure if this was a distant memory, it's as if he was part of it, hearing his own gasps for air, and laughter.

Beyond him, stood a hazy image of a neighborhood, with one house that stood particularly familiar to him. He thought of hit as their house.

"P__y__s! Wait up!" he felt himself say in an involuntary manner.

"____! __p__r__! Lunch is ready!" a voice of a woman called out, whilst he may not see who it was, however, he could make out a gleaming smile from the tall, and oddly familiar lady.

Both he and the kid ran back to her, where everything was placed as if they were in a barbecue party, which they were. His nose, if he had one that is, caught the scent of smoke coming out of the grill, with the meat sizzling on charcoal lit fire.

He stared back at the other taller person at the grill, his slender figure manning the outdoor setup, all the while adjusting his glinting rectangular thin-brimmed glasses. He heard the man chortle along, "Nah, dear, I could down this all in one go!"

"Dad!" the child beside him shrieked, "No, we're hungry!"

"You can have this sausage then." the man laughed, holding out a burnt piece of the said processed meat, making the smaller kid groan in an agitated manner. Our protagonist could only chuckle, "Frankly, he is a burg man after all." He winked, at the 3-year-old.

"____!" yelled the whole family, both amused, and annoyed at his pun, as he merrily laughed in return.

"Now, now, boys." Their mother beamed, "You're making my little baby here cry." She said, patting the child's shoulder, who was a bit taken aback, "I'm not a baby! I'm the greatest royal guard in the world!" he yelled.

"Yes, my royal guard."

"____, could you please go get some hot sauce from the store?" the father called out to him, as he was busy with the grill.

"Sure thing, Dad." He lazily replied, standing up to go for the nearest convenient store, which was blocks away. He wasn't aware, however, his consciousness could sense something familiarly dangerous, amidst the endearing atmosphere.

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