Joys of Parenthood

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It was way too early for the Reids, and they had way too many things to do.

After dropping everyone off at their respective schools and places, Spencer and Liz went dashing through the lobby, bags and coffees in hand before harshly ending their run in an elevator.

"Did you give them fruit in their lunchbox?" She asked, the couple completely unaware of the other person in the tight space.

"Yes, yes. Did you sign Lyle's permission slip?"

"I did. Did you put Dee's extra book in her bag? She always forgets."

"Yeah. We're all good. We're good parents. Right?"

"I love our kids, but if you get me pregnant one more time I'll kill you."


"By the way, when's our 10 year anniversary?"

"Today, I think. Happy anniversary, sweetheart."

"Aw, babe, happy anniversary." She wrapped her arms around Spencer's midsection.

Kate Callahan couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the rushed interaction, which instantly snapped Liz back to her senses. "Oh, I'm sorry! Which floor?" She pressed the sixth button for herself and Spencer.

"6. Oh, you too."


Kate Callahan was proving to be a real asset to the team over the next few months, instantly fitting right in.

It was a warm day, warm enough for the Reids to leave their house on a Saturday, heading to the park. Liz watched as her husband played with their 6 year old and 4 year old while she happily sat on a bench with two 10 month olds. 

She felt an odd presence next to her, turning her head to find a figure she hadn't seen in 7 years. "Gideon. Oh my god. Should I get Spencer?"

"No, no. Don't tell him." He smiled at her, before turning his gaze over to the playground. "So this is what I missed out on?" He notably look at Spencer who was occupied with the two children.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You have a good life."

Liz shook her head with a light scoff. "Why did you leave, Gideon?"

"That job does things to you. It ruins you. I don't know how you both still do it, but I couldn't. Not after Frank." She nodded. "I'm proud of you both. Please, tell Spencer that one day."

He was gone before she could even say anything.

Later that night, Liz and Spencer had cuddled up to each other in a mess of limbs, praying that a loud cry wouldn't interrupt them. "You know, I thought I saw Gideon today." Spencer pondered.

"Really? Must've been a lookalike, then. I didn't see him."


This morning had been nicer for Liz. 

Spencer had insisted that he take the kids to school and care while she spent the morning with Rossi before coming in to work, which is how she ended up in a car with her father, hits from whatever ancient year blaring from the speakers.

Both of them had noticed the odd car behind them, following their route and they couldn't help but have a little fun when they got to the coffee shop and saw the same car parking with no person getting out. "I'm going to get our follower a coffee." Liz mused, ordering the three drinks.

Rossi laughed, taking two of the beverages before linking his arm with hers, stepping towards the car window. The  lady nervously rolled her window down. Liz took the coffee from his hand, handing it to the unknown girl. "We thought you might need this."

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