Middle of Texas

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A man wearing a suit put his hand in his briefcase, all of the passengers looked at him.

"What are you doing?" Came from Elle.

"Don't be stupid." Came from Liz. They sighed as he pulled out a book, the bible.

"What are you gonna do? Throw it at him?" The young man questioned in disbelief. The train went silent. Liz began counting down the seconds that passed as she waited for someone from either the police or FBI.

One minute. Teddy got up, pacing. "Come on. This is going to end today." Silence again.

Two minutes. Teddy yelled, grabbing the pregnant redhead by her hair, making her scream as Liz protested. "Take me! Teddy, take me!"

"You think I'm gonna let you send them messages?"

"They're going to want to talk to me. I can get you whatever it is that you want. Take me!" Elle's grip on her friend's hand tightened as the young man attempted to stand, only to be smacked right back down by Teddy who proceeded to drag the pregnant girl to the opposite end of the train car.

"Deviate a single word, and I will kill you. Don't try to send them any secret messages or codes. Understand?" He held a gun to her head as she nodded vigorously. She picked up the phone.

"He wants to know who you are. He wants to know who just arrived." Pause. "He says it's someone who can resolve the situation. What part of the government do you work for? What part of the- ah!" Teddy aimed the gun at her stomach.

"Don't hurt her." Elle warned, beating Liz to it.

"Ask if they're NSA! They're FBI, aren't they?" The lady continued to sob.

"Are you FBI? He says you can ask him yourself." Teddy grey flustered, snatching the phone away. "Tell me who you are or this agent dies." He continued to point the gun at the redhead. Agent? "If you're the higher authority then you can have it removed. I want it removed now. No! Wait! Ok. One hour. You have one hour to remove it, or I swear to god, I'll kill every agent on this train." He put the phone die.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm going to die, Greenie?" Liz asked, her breaths becoming shallow and quick. "You're not going to die, Lizzy. We'll get through this. Any of you guys have a cell phone with service?" Elle turned to the others after reassuring her fellow agent, hand still intertwined with hers.

"We're in the middle of no where. Welcome to Texas. Ow." The young man winced as the doctor tended to his injured head. "You're bleeding more than you should be from a cut this small."

"Thin blood."

"The agents outside need to know what it is that he wants removed." Liz let Elle talk, unable to stabilize herself. All she wanted was to be in Spencer's arms.

"He thinks the government is watching him, monitoring him." The doctor informed.

"They monitor all of us. They have weird ways of finding out everything we do." The young man narrowed his eyes. "Don't be stupid." the older man spat.

"We have 2 FBI agents on board. Think that's a coincidence?"

"I'm going it!" Teddy yelled, looking straight ahead of him.

"He's going to kill us, isn't he? He killed that security guard."

"The security guard had a gun. He felt threatened by him." The hostages turned back to Teddy, who was sweating immensely as he yelled "It's so hot!"

The young man stood up, big mistake. "You took hostages in the middle of Texas. Of course it's hot." The doctor pushed herself infront of the boy before Teddy could grab him.

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