To Morgan

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They hurried back to the conference room. 

"GPS has him heading north about a mile away from the hospital and then he stops."

Liz shook her head knowingly. "He got rid of his phone. Chucked it out the window."

"No. No, no, that guy's trying to kill him. He's walking into a trap." She forcefully ripped her jacket off a chair, pulling it on as she left the room with Spencer following behind her. The couple found themselves sitting in an SUV, silent. 

She began. "I should've known what he was going to do."

"You couldn't have."

"You should've seen his face, Penny, when JJ told us about the note. The micro expressions- and I just ignored it. I trusted him when he said he didn't know."

Spencer only gripped her hand. "He's your friend, you can't blame yourself for trusting him."

"But because I trusted him, I pretty much got him killed."

"We're going to get him back. Everything is going to be fine." 

They'd eventually gone back inside, the negativity still swirling storms in Liz's brain.

"Morgan was headed north when we lost him. There are 3 highways in that direction. He could have gone anywhere. Except Montolo never left the city. Garcia, pull up that footage of him at the bus stop."

She did as told. "Red line, he sees red!"

"But he never gets on. See, he moves right past it."

"So, what the hell does it mean?

"Morgan never calls me Elizabeth, so why would he start? He said that of all people I should understand."

JJ pipes up. "He's referring to the many times you've been in the same situation with Spence."

"But why mention it multiple times? To Hotch, too."

"He wanted you to relate to his rage and back off?"

Tara pondered the possibility. "Is there any other relevance to Foyet or any other situations?"

Everyone looked to Hotch. "He attacked in my home, maybe Morgan subconsciously let that slip."

"Yeah but Morgan's house isn't red."

It was as if a lightbulb had turned on in Liz's brain. "But he's renovated many houses over the years. What if it's one of those?"

Garcia got to frantically gliding her fingers across the keyboard. "He has 8 properties. He started renovating in 2001 right after 9-11."

"I remember him saying he didn't know what else to do with his frustration. I remember him saying he didn't know what else to do with his frustration. He wanted to restore them so he could control something. Could Montolo know about these houses?"

"It's public record, so probably. Morgan uses a service to rent out the properties. Here's one that's been rented for a while to a C.R. Joseph."

Spencer began doing his thing of repeating the name to himself in a soft whisper. "Guys, Joseph is the English translation of Giuseppe. What if "C" stands for Chazz and "R" for Rosemary? Do you have an image of the property?"

Red door. "Let's go."

Liz had been racing through the roads when Garcia patched their SUV into a call. "Go ahead, Garcia."

"I've got Morgan."

Everyone shared glances. "Are you all there?"

"Oh, my god. Yes, Derek, we're here. Are you okay?"

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