The People vs. Rose Bundy

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Trial, day 1. Jury Selection. 
Even Playing Field.

"All rise." Everyone stood abruptly. "Court is now in session, the Honorable Tim Awford presiding. You may be seated." Back down.

The crowd in the room was overflowing, the noise level barely dimming when the judge was presented. Jury selection.

"Welcome to jury selection. I have to say, I have never seen a case quite as unusual as this one."

Jurors. Lots of them. 

"So who can help my case?" Rose asked. It was late at night, early in the morning. Liz, Spencer and Rose had been awake for hours, and they'd finally gotten to the topic of jury selection. Liz sighed. 

"This is difficult. You can play so many cards when it comes to jury. Let's just say that parents will not be our people. We need open minded jurors."

Hours had passed, they were still going through jurors.

"Your Honor, the people asks the court to thank and excuse prospective juror number 58." Mike Ross smirked at Liz as she felt her stomach flip in agony and rage. Two could play at that game. 

"Your Honor, the defense asks the court to thank and excuse prospective juror number 63." Liz flashed the same charming smirk at Mike, who clenched his jaw and rubbed his chin in response.

It went back and forth, until the Reids and Rose were finally in their car. "So, how are we looking with the jury?" Rose bit her lip in anticipation.

"We're equal, even playing field. Mike won't bother with the jury anymore so now it just depends on our case."

"And we've got a good case." Spencer smiled.

Trial, day 6. Opening Statements.
The Bundy Card.

Liz stood outside, cigarette burning in her hand. 

Mike Ross approached her. "Can't wait to see what you bring today." He remarked.

"Can't wait to see what Harvey's told you to say." Liz retaliated, her back still turned to him. 

"I think we should make an effort to respect each other." Mike almost challenged as she turned to face him after putting her cigarette out, unaware of her husband behind her within earshot.

"Oh, Mike, I am trying my best to be respectful." Her voice feigned innocence. "But I'm also trying to win." Mike tried to mask the newfound surprise when he heard the malice and venom dripping off her words. Spencer made himself known by placing a hand on her lower back, directing her away.

"Come on, sweetheart." He whispered soothingly with a curt nod to Mike.

"All rise. Court is now in session, Judge Tim Awford presiding. You may be seated."

The jury were brought in, an even playing field. Mike stood, making his way over to the podium, his eyes scanning the jury. 

"Bundy is quite the famous name, isn't it?" Fuck.

Liz knelt down in front of her sister, their hands joined. "Rose, we both know they're going to play the Bundy card, we just have to be ready for it, okay? But we've got solid evidence. The footage tampering, your tox screen panel. We'll be fine."

Rose nodded. "Okay."

"When we think of it, the first thing to come to mind is Ted Bundy. One of America's most prolific serial killers. Now he, like many other men, had children. A family. His family were who I refer to as the Bundy Sisters, the ladies sat on that table." He pointed to Liz and Rose. "Would you say it's a coincidence that his daughter, Rose Bundy, is on trial for murder nearly 24 years after her father's execution? I'd like to summarize the results of our evidence from these murders."

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