Temporary Explanation

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The terrible writing and explanation in this book bothers me every time I think about the story in general. I've decided that once I finish it, I'm going to begin correcting, enhancing and rewriting the chapters one by one in hopes for a better product. This will cover various topics.

The timeline is quite confusing so here is a chapter explaining it that will only be here for a little while, and if you're lucky, until the book finishes and I start editing. The next chapter is being written right now, and will be out sometime around Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe today. I hope you'll like it.

Liz joined the BAU in 2003, she was barely 21. 

Spencer joined a year later, in January of 2004. He was 23. The book starts at around August of 2004, just like the show. In October of 2004, Spencer turned 24.

Spencer and Liz got together on December 2nd, 2004. 

On March 9th, Liz turned 23. 

Despite what I might've written earlier, the couple got engaged around late November in 2007. Spencer was 26 and Liz was turning 25 in March of 2008. 

They got married early November of 2008. Liz was 25 and Spencer was 27.

Diana Rosalin Reid was born in September of 2009. Liz was 26, Spencer was 27.

Lyle Theodore Reid was born March of 2011. Liz was 28 and Spencer was 29.

I have had to make alterations in the timeline. I made the whole ordeal with Ian Doyle last a few months rather than a few weeks, jumbling up the timeline when Emily is presumed dead for 6 months.

Drug abuse topics
I would also like to cover Liz's Vicodin issue at the beginning of the book.

No, she was not addicted. At the time Liz was under a certain kind of emotional pain and pressure that physical pills wouldn't be able to fix. She knew that, but she thought the Vicodin would help but it didn't. That's why she didn't go through withdrawal. I did do extensive research on opioids and Vicodin, and I hope that what I've written makes sense.

Spencer was different, he was suffering from addiction. I don't think what I wrote truly captured how he would've dealt with his issue, in my opinion, I think my writing is highly inaccurate. I didn't want it to be an issue that was over within a few weeks like the show made it out to be, I did extend it for a long period of time, over a few months. I tried to work with what the show gave me, and when I rewrite it, it will definitely be better.

Hotch and Liz
To be honest, writing Aaron and Liz's fate is one of my favorite things to do in this book.

When watching the show, I always had a feeling that Aaron and Haley just weren't right together. 

So when Liz joined the team, there was an instant connection. They were attracted to each other, in love. A forbidden love, quite cliche. While Aaron doesn't actually have a physical affair with Liz, he took her out and they had fun together. That all changed when Haley got pregnant. Liz chose to distance herself, and Aaron didn't do anything to stop it. They knew it was for the best.

When Spencer and Liz got together, he was jealous, obviously. 

This was around the time Aaron's marriage was falling apart. Obviously, this is no excuse for him to rely on Liz but he did.

Liz did fall out of love with him when she and Spencer got together, but he was still very much in love with her. You can imagine the amount of guilt he felt when Haley died. 

In the end, Aaron just wants her to be happy. At first, he didn't want to deal with the fact that he wasn't the one making her happy, but then he came to the realization that her and Spencer are basically meant to be. 

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