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I was at school, walking down the corridor with books in my hand. No, I did not rob a bookstore or the school's library. I have actually brought these with me for my free period, which I was just finished with. The things happening to Scott...they are weird and if my fandom-filled mind has taught me something then it is the fact that when something is weird you need to study it, research it, somehow learn to understand it. Because otherwise, you are unprepared and most likely get killed. And I am still too young to die. 

The corridors were pretty much vacant at this time of the day. Most of the students were at lacrosse practice where I was currently heading to. Well, after I would put my books away in my locker obviously. I need to go to cheer on my two best friends, considering the fact that Scott seems to have a good chance of making the team this year and Stiles is...well, Stiles, I mean that needs no explanation. I was just reaching my locker when someone rushed towards me. 

"Macey, Macey, Macey!" Stiles yelled almost falling to the ground as he tried to get to me. He gripped onto my arm, nearly causing the books to fall from my hands. 

"What the hell are you doing stupid? Shouldn't you be in lacrosse practice?" I asked confused seeing as he was wearing his lacrosse kit. His breathing was ragged. Most probably from the run over to me. Why was he running in the first place? 

"You were right." He breathed out quickly, still leaning onto me, trying to catch his breath. What am I a lamppost or something? 

"I am right most of the time, you gotta be a bit more specific about that." I prodded with a shrug. It is not often that he admits I am right so I need to enjoy it a bit. 

"Your theory about Scott." Stiles breathed out. I went to snap at him that he doesn't have to make fun of me about it anymore but he stopped me. "Listen, I think it might be possible. I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" Stiles said in one breath. I had trouble decoding what he was trying to say. 

"What was it?" 

"It was a wolf." I knew it. Victory dance for me, I was right. Well, theoretically speaking. 

"So that means..." 

"Yes, I need you to help me because I am sure Scott won't want to believe it." Stiles pleaded, gripping on my arm a bit tighter. 

"Yeah, fine all right I will help you just don't break my arm." I snapped, tearing my arm away from his death grip. I looked down at the books and then up at Stiles again. "I have already started some research. I wanted to do some more on the internet back home, we can do it together." I offered and he nodded quickly. 

"Great, um, here, take my keys, put your bag and books in the jeep, and after the practice we are going straight to mine." Stiles rushed, putting his key from the jeep on top of my books. 

"Um...yeah, okay." I stuttered out. Stiles is sometimes too quick for me to react. He then sprinted away to go to practice while I was left here alone to figure out how to carry all of this to his car. 


I was laying on Stiles' bed, well, more like hanging upside down from it. A book was in my hands and I was flipping through the pages, memorizing the important parts that could help us, and reading them out loud to Stiles so he could write them down. 

While he was sitting behind the computer, typing on his keyboard at a great speed. All you could hear was a fast typing of his fingers. He was sometimes so focused he wouldn't answer me for five minutes. Too much Adderall I am telling you. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now