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Once Stiles drove us to the school there was a bunch of people. All high in spirit and giddy. Mainly the members of our lacrosse team were out here on the parking lot celebrating. Stiles and I eyed the group surprised.

"I guess you guys won the match," I said matter of factly. Seeing the two members of the lacrosse team chest bump one another falling to the ground right after the impact. Men. I rolled my eyes at the amount of testosterone. I want to make it in the team so bad sometimes but seeing this I am rather skeptical.

"Yeah, must have been nice," Stiles grumbled. Still feeling hurt for not being able to play today. "Come on, we need to find Scott." With that he opened the door of his car and jumped out, patiently waiting for me to do the same.

Both of us sprinted all the way towards the locker rooms. Knowing Scott, he was surely still there. He always takes his time when showering and getting dressed. Stiles almost slammed against the wall when trying to take a turn into the locker rooms. There we saw Scott, sitting on the bench in nothing but a towel around his hips.

Oh, that's a bit too exposed for me but never mind. I saw shirtless Derek today I can manage with shirtless Scott as well. Doesn't Stiles want to take off his shirt as well? Just to make it even?

"Dude, we have a huge problem." Stiles rushed out of himself about to explain to Scott what happened with Peter. But Scott looked quite distressed. What happened here?

"Trust me...I know." Scott's voice sounded as if he were on the verge of crying. Oh my, this will be a lot more complicated than we want it to be...


"So...why are we doing this?" I asked from the backseat of Stiles' jeep. I really would rather spend my Saturday home or out somewhere. Not trying to track Jackson because Scott is worried Argents might target him.

"Because Scott is being sentimental," Stiles answered with an eye roll. Gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter.

"Can you two just shut up?" Scott grumbled. Sticking his head out of the window to either smell or hear Jackson. "Left." At his command, Stiles turned the steering wheel. I hit the door of the car quite harshly letting out a hiss.

"Do you have the seatbelt on?" Stiles asked looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yes!" I yelled because of another sharp turn that Stiles made.

"I told you to sit behind me. Like always." Stiles muttered to himself thinking that no one could hear him. Suddenly in the distance, we could see two cars parked. One Argent's and one Jackson's. Oh yeah. We are probably late.

Stiles stopped the jeep, Scott pulling down his window. All of us mustering the best smiles we could to appear inconspicuous.

"What's up?" Stiles greeted the two, giving out his cute goofy smile.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asked, trying to appear like he was genuinely interested in what happened here. Something tells me Jackson has car troubles. The opened back of the car is one of the main indicators since Jackson's car doesn't have a trunk as any normal car should.

"Hey, Scott." Mr. Argent greeted, appearing harmless. I don't know is this really a man that has tried to hunt down my best friend? He looks kinda cool to be like that. "Your friend, here, was having car trouble. We're just taking a look." At that Stiles turned towards me.

"See, I always say my jeep is the best of the best. I can always rely on it." The buzz-cut boy bragged. Giving me the urge to roll my eyes.

"Your jeep has let us hanging in the middle of nowhere more times than I can count," I said back making a frown appear on Stiles' previously giddy face.

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now