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"But why were you laughing, I just don't get it. I just said that I was feeling hot." Stiles defended himself while we were walking out of our Spanish class. "Come on Mace that room is a literal sauna!" I rolled my eyes trying to contain my laughter. 

"Okay Stiles, repeat to me how you said it," I told him when we stopped by my locker. I could see Scott fiddling with his lock seemingly deep in thoughts. Looks like we will have to pay him a wee visit. But first I need to solve señor I know Spanish flawlessly. 

"Estoy caliente," Stiles said matter of factly, even adding a shrug with his shoulders which made it sound even funnier. I was practically choking on the laugh that was trying to escape my lips. The cute spastic boy in front of me was totally oblivious to the fact that what he said was not what he thought he said. 

"Are you now Stiles? Really?" I joked a bit more. Getting so much pleasure from his confused face. "You know it is not a very common thing to say in public," I said turning to my locker to put the Spanish books away. 


"Nothing really, you just...overconfidently and kind of matter of factly announced to me that you are horny." I looked over at Stiles to see his face transform from confused to embarrassed in a matter of seconds. His cheeks grew a red tint to them as he looked down embarrassed. His hands fiddling with the straps of his backpack. 


"Yeah," I closed my locker once grabbing the other books that I will need. "Just an advise when you'll try saying that you are hot try 'Tengo calor' it might turn out a bit better than telling everyone you are a hormone-filled teenager." He rolled his eyes as we started walking down the hall to stop by his locker. 

"You could have said something to me before I made an idiot out of myself in front of the whole class," Stiles grumbled walking alongside me. We passed Scott on our way and I noticed he was already about finished by his locker so we will get the chance to speak to him when he catches up with us.

"I thought you are already used to that." I grinned. 

"Haha, funny." Stiles' voice practically dripped with sarcasm which just caused me to laugh a bit more. Suddenly Stiles stopped, grabbing my arm to stop me as well. 

"What?" I asked noticing how he was looking at the top of the stairs. I looked in that direction as well only to see Stiles' dad there with another one of his deputies and our principal. "What do you think they are talking about?" I asked confused while staring at the men that were talking in the middle of the corridor. 

"I don't know," Stiles muttered. "But I know someone who might." With that he left my side, walking over towards Scott who has just locked his locker. I watched as Stiles dragged him over to the wall that I was now leaning on. 


"Come here. Tell us what they're saying." Stiles ordered Scott who rolled his eyes but turned his attention to the group of men. "Can you hear 'em?" Stiles prodded after a few seconds of silence earning himself an annoyed look from Scott. 

"Maybe you should keep quiet and let him listen," I suggested causing Stiles to look at me. He kept his eyes on me for a while, just looking at me without saying anything or moving. That was until Scott spoke.  

"Curfew because of the body." The werewolf informed us, getting an immediate response from Stiles.  

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants." The frustration in Stiles' voice is actually more than evident. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now