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Trigger warning, mentions of blood, bruises...basically bad injuries. But it is not THAT bad.


The atmosphere in the hospital that night of the dance was quite hectic. No one would have imagined that they would have to deal with an attack at the high school dance. About half an hour ago a young girl with strawberry blonde hair was wheeled in after her ex-boyfriend found her bleeding on the lacrosse field. 

The Sheriff was pacing back and forth in the hospital hallway. He has been informed that the last person with this girl was supposed to be his son. And so he was waiting for him. Knowing Stiles, the boy should have already been there. But his current absence was only adding to the agitation of the Sheriff. 

He didn't know what was going on. Why was Lydia Martin attacked or what even attacked her? He couldn't get hold of any of the kids that he knew could help. He has been trying to call Scott about five times already with no response. But what was more alarming was that Macey wasn't answering either. 

Mr. Stilinski may love his son but he knew that he could be reckless most of the time. But that's why he had Macey with him. Macey always picked up her phone or at least left a message. None of which happened now. And Sheriff has been trying for good ten minutes to get her to pick it up with no luck. He was starting to get worried. 

Suddenly the doors opened and inside the hospital hall rushed Stiles. Sweating and stumbling over his own feet but he was there. He was worried about Lydia. He was the one that initially found her and saved her from getting torn apart by the psychotic werewolf. Stiles went to look through the glass at the girl he went to the dance with today only to get blocked by his father. 

"You know what? It's good that we're in a hospital because I'm gonna kill you." Mr. Stiliski started very threateningly. He was keeping his voice low to not attract any unwanted attention or disturb anyone. There was no time to be causing a scene here in the middle of the hospital.  

"I'm-I'm sorry. I lost the keys to my jeep. I had to run all the way here." Stiles' explanation was only half-lie. He had to run all the way to the hospital because Peter destroyed his keys.  

"Stiles, I don't care!" Sheriff snapped back, getting seriously fed up with everything going on. The kids these days just didn't know how to perk up his working schedule. 

"Is she gonna be okay?" At the sad tone of the voice of his son, Sheriff sighed. He knew that Stiles was partially blaming himself for what happened. He thought that he should have been there. Macey trusted him with keeping an eye out for Lydia today and he blew it. He felt like a failure. 

"They don't know," Sheriff answered with an exhausted sigh. The tone of his voice changing to a slightly less irritated one, but instead it bore a hint of worry. "Partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her." 

"What do you mean?" 

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock." Stiles' dad explained to him. Stiles nodded, trying to process all the information that he had now received. "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"  What was he supposed to say to him? The truth? That would probably ship him right into Eichen's house sooner than the words would be able to fully leave his mouth. No, this was not the time to bark out the truth to his father.  

"No. No, I have no idea." The lie slipping out of Stiles' tongue. Slightly stinging him. 

"What about Scott?" Sheriff asked, finally getting to the question where were the other two members of the infamous trio of Beacon hills. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now