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Of course according to our plan we called the police. Stiles' dad and half of a sheriff's department arrived at the scene. Derek has been escorted towards the police car, the door being slammed behind him. He yet hasn't been driven away which gave Stiles and I the opportunity to investigate on our own. Some things need explaining from the more educated side of the supernatural world. 

Despite Scott's protest, we slipped inside the car, otherwise unnoticed by others. Both Stiles and I squeezed on the front seat on the passenger side as we looked at the angry-looking werewolf in the backseat. 

"Okay, just so you know, we are not afraid of you." Stiles started the powerful speech. Just looking at the man in front of us gave me creeps though. 

"I maybe am a bit," I said solemnly looking at Stiles who looked back at me and then at Derek again.

"Okay, maybe I am too. Doesn't matter. We just wanna know something." Stiles started. Derek so far kept quiet but I can just see the way he wants to rip our heads off. What can I say I have a vivid imagination. 

"The girl you killed...she was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and we know Scott can't do that." I ranted, feeling really into the topic. The fact that she could transform herself into an actual wolf was so cool. 

"Is that why you killed her?" Stiles asked quizzically. Derek clenched his jaw. I guess we hit the nerve there. Maybe there is something more to it. 

"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do. Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you two can. And, trust me you want to." Before there could be any reaction from our side the doors were opened and Stiles and I were dragged out of the car by the Sheriff. 

"There. Stand." He ordered us once we were a few steps away from the car. The look on his face told us that we were in trouble. You see why I sometimes see him as my dad? He is a hundred percent spot-on father figure. "What the hell do you two think you're doing?" 

"We're...helping?" I asked with a sheepish smile causing the sheriff to sigh in annoyance running his hand over his eyes. 

"Okay, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came across this."

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler," I answered confidently. Stiles and I practiced this beforehand. Well, this alibi was supposed to work since we were really looking for Scott's inhaler...just not now. But no one needs to know. 

"Which he dropped when?" Well...we haven't practice this far enough I guess. Luckily Stiles was quick to answer. 

"The other night." 

"The other night when you were out here looking for the first half of the body." Sheriff stated. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was asking. I just learned over time that when they are asking you something you should usually say yes to please them. So I did just that. 

"Yes." Sheriff nodded. 

"The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home." Oh crap... 

"Yes," Stiles said without thinking. His eyes widening when he realized he blew the cover. "No. Oh, crap." The disappointed look on Mr. Stilinski's face was enough to make me feel ashamed by my actions. True I could say that it was all Stiles' idea but I am not that type of person to throw the blame on someone else. 

"So you lied to me." 

"That depends on how you define lying." Stiles shrugged. How is he still continuing with this?  

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now