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Newt sat in the hospital room of his sister. A bit of time has passed since the accident and Macey still didn't wake up. Doctors said it was fine, that she suffered through some major injuries and that it would take quite some time for her to fully come to herself. 

Her brother was here whenever he could. From the moment he got from work to the moment where he had to go back. Only ever stopping home anymore to change or take the quickest possible shower. He barely ever sleeps anymore. He still worries. Even if Macey's health test were proving she will be all right. He couldn't help but worry for her. She as his little sister and just the thought of what had happened with her 

His little sister has gone through so much in her life. This is not the first time he is spending his days in the hospital with her. Although other times it wasn't a fault of an animal as he thought. But in his eyes, it was close to it. Her face had gained some color. No longer looking so deadly pale in comparison to those dark black bruises. Her wounds were no longer bleeding which meant she was no longer losing blood which was a good sign. 

Newt's eyes left the frail hand of his sister to move towards his phone that he pulled out of his pocket. He glanced down at the time. A tired sigh escaping him when he realized it was time for him to go to work. Pocketing his phone, he looked up at Macey's face. A small sad smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. 

"Hey Mace, I need to go to work now, you know save people. Just how I was supposed to save you." He muttered the last part to himself. The guilt still not leaving him. He stood up slowly. "I will come back as soon as I can, I promise. But I am sure you will have Stiles and Scott here soon to keep you company. If not Scott then Stiles hundred percent." Newt added with a chuckle. Fully well knowing that the boy will be there in a matter of no time. If he is not there already sitting somewhere in the hallway just waiting for Newt to leave. 

With one last glance at the tranquil body of his sister, Newt let out a sigh and opened the door walking outside. Once he was in the hallway he started walking towards the exit. Stopping in his way when he noticed a boy sprawled on the chairs there. Balloons tied to his chair a teddy bear head poking from the bag by the foot of the chair. The boy was asleep, muttering something to himself which Newt couldn't quite decode. And maybe he didn't even want to.

The older boy let out a chuckle, shaking his head at the boy next door who grew close to him like his own little brother. Newt would have to be blind to not notice the connection between his little sister and her best friend. He knows them their whole lives after all. He is proud to say to know almost everything about the two. He rather would keep some things a secret between them. Especially the dream Stiles was having at the moment. 

Noticing a presence next to him, Newt looked to the side a smile growing on his face when he noticed Melissa there. She smiled at him, wearing her usual purple hospital uniform. She was just about to check on Macey as her schedule dictated her. But she would stop by the girl's room anyway, just to make sure she was all right. 

"Been here whole night huh?" Newt asked nodding towards Stiles who gently moved on the chairs. Melissa laughed gently. 

"More like the whole weekend. Moved only when his dad tried to usher him home. Came back fifteen minutes later when he was sure the Sheriff was gone." Melissa McCall explained, softly smiling at the young boy on the chairs. Newt shook his head at the antics of the Stilinski boy. 

"When he wakes up tell him to keep an eye on Macey in case she...you know, comes around," Newt instructed. 

"I think I wouldn't even have to tell him." The nurse shrugged. Clicking her pen and walking down the hall to do her check-up on the young Carter girl. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now