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So turns out the guy from the bus died last night in the hospital. Stiles said that he succumbed to his wounds. He went to inform Scott about it last night, almost getting hit over the head by Mama McCall. I don't blame her. She probably isn't as used to someone climbing through her window as I am. 

I was currently in the class, sitting in the seat next to Stiles and across from Scott. Who by the way was nervously tapping his foot against the ground and it was driving me crazy. Like what are you so nervous for? The teacher is just handing out tests, no big deal. And the test was easy by the way. So I really don't get it why he is so stressed about it. 

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles asked in a hushed tone though he still was loud enough for me to hear. I turned my head to their direction to see the spastic boy leaning against his desk to be closer to Scott who didn't appear to be thrilled by the attention he was receiving.  

"I don't know." Scott answered, playing with his pencil nervously. 

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" And here comes another question from Stiles investigator Stilinski. 

"I don't know." Scott's answer came a bit harsher this time. I can already see him getting angry about Stiles' constant question, but before I could stop my best friend from asking anything more the werewolf boy, my test was handed to me. Yay, I got an A. Sweet. 

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?" 

"I don't know!" My head shot up along with the rest of the class who were now looking over at Stiles and Scott. Scott's outburst successfully managing to catch everyone's attention for a short while. 

"Nothing to see people, go stick your noses into your own business." I said to the interested crowd who immediately turned their attention away. 

"Jeez." I looked over at Scott to see him glaring at the big D- on his paper. Yikes, that probably isn't good. What was he even doing if he didn't study...oh...werewolf stuff. I get it. At this rate, he will make it as a werewolf Fastfood employee.

"Dude, you need to study more," Stiles remarked teasingly, seeing the poor grade on Scott's paper. I sent him a glare for making fun of our friend right now. "That was a joke." Stiles defended. With a sigh I leaned closer to Scott, almost falling into the corridor created by desks. 

"Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up." I assured him kindly. "Do you want help studying?" I offered, ignoring the protest from Stiles. I study with that idiot every day. I can study with someone else sometimes. No? Scott glanced at Stiles before turning to me with sad smile.

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." He said. Oh, that's nice.  

"That's my boy." Stiles cheered causing me to roll my eyes. 

"Stiles," I sighed, already knowing where he was heading with that. 

"We're just studying." Scott defended sternly. 

"Uh, no, you're not." Oh man and here we go.  

"No, I'm not?" 

"Stiles stop it, you and I study together all the time and nothing happened between us." I snapped. Stiles muttered something along the line 'Oh believe me I know' but I am not sure I didn't hear him that good. 

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you," Stiles said sternly ignoring my earlier warning. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled." 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now