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After that stunt that we...or more specifically I, pulled on Harris he sent us to the principal's office. Which is exactly where we wanted to be. Well, according to the plan anyway. I had no intentions of ending up in the principal's office today, apparently, plans change. Not always for the better though. 

I watched Scott, intently listening to the conversation Stiles' dad was having with Jackson. By the way, his fists were clenching I could deduce that it wasn't good. I am not surprised, Jackson tends to be an asshole. 

But it is not just Jackson. There are people in this world that rather ignore bad things happening around them if they are not concerning them. Stuck-up assholes wouldn't help a single human unless it had a gain for them. And they expect the rest of the world to care about their needs. 

For some reason just thinking about this made my blood boil. No, actually, it felt as if my blood was rushing through my veins fast than humanly possible, creating a feeling of intense heat that spread through my whole body. My head exploded with a numb headache erupting from the back of my head. 

Squeezing my eyes shut a huffed, trying to push away the pain. For some reason, my eyes burned, but not as if something fell in them. This was a literal burning feeling as if they were on fire. A weird tingling at the tips of my fingers made me worried that I was losing my ability to control my limbs all of a sudden. It was a weird instinct but my hand quickly grabbed onto something, grasping it tightly as if that would make the pain go away. 

It was weird and agonizing at the same time. And I didn't know how to help myself from the pain. Or what stupid thing did I do to cause it? But just as the doors opened and someone walked out of the room all the pain vanished. It just wasn't there anymore. Everything felt normal. It disappeared just as mysteriously as it appeared before. 

Allowing my eyes to open I saw Mr. Stilinski walking past us. He looked us over. Stiles next to me did a weird movement and the next time I looked at him he was covering his face with a magazine. Which he was holding with one hand. Why just one?

The sheriff sighed, rolling his eyes at the antics of his son before looking at me and Scott. I just shrugged, not knowing what to say on the behalf of my best friend to defend him in front of his father. We were just sent to the principal's office and Sheriff was here to witness it. 

"Hi, Scott. Macey." Sheriff said to both of us. I went to wave to him with my left hand but it wouldn't move for some reason. I glanced to my left to see that I was holding Stiles' hand in mine, fingers intertwined. Oh my god, when did I do this? Why did I do this? Did I do this?  

"H-...yeah." Scott greeted awkwardly because the sheriff and his colleague were already leaving down the hall. 

"Boys. Little lady. Come on in." All three of us looked up at the sound of the voice. It definitely wasn't our old principal for some reason. It sounded so cold even if it tried to be inviting. There was just something dark behind it telling me to run as fast as I can. And most probably take my boys with me since with this folk no one can be safe. 

I looked the man over, it was an older man, with white hair, wearing somewhat normal clothes for a man of his age. A wrinkle here and there deceiving his age to all of us. But the trauma struck me when I looked into his eyes. 

It was as if falling into the ice-cold water that was just seconds from freezing over. You could feel the mercilessness from them, along with traces of manipulative wit. But also pain. A lot of pain and hatred. I felt Stiles tug on my hand that he was still holding for some reason, pulling me up so we could follow the man inside the office. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now