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 I was leaning against the wall of Scott's room. Watching him search through his stuff. Making the room essentially even messier than it already was. This guy needs to tidy it up here. Maybe that is why we are here because Scott can't put his things in place and therefore he keeps on losing them. This time the object of disappearance is his phone. The new one that he got. If I lost my phone like that after getting the last one smashed by a werewolf my brother would be pretty much pissed. 

"Guys, we will be late for school," I whined, hitting my head against the wall in annoyance. Not that I am in a rush to get to school but the sooner I get there the sooner I can talk to Lydia. She sent me a text earlier this morning saying that she needs to talk to me about something serious. You can say that Lydia and I are becoming quite good friends along with Allison but the girl was up until now pretty much occupied with my best friend to have a proper talk with me or she was just busy with her own thoughts. I don't blame her but...yeah, would be nice to spend some time together finally. 

"What's with the rush?" Stiles quizzed looking over at me with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Have things to do." I dismissed quickly. I am just waiting for Stiles to bother me to get Lydia to talk to him now that we are friends. Isn't it weird how until now she barely acknowledged me and once Allison introduced me to her the destiny drew us closer? 

"Call it again," Scott demanded, cutting Stiles off before he could interrogate me more. 

"It's not here." Stiles sighed. Scott crawled on the ground to the other side of his room to dig into the pile of clothes he had there. "Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Yeah, buy a new phone and this time be more careful with it. I watched Scott basically push himself under his bad, searching through the mess he had there. 

"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." 

"Derek? Again?" I whined, sliding down the wall to sit on the ground. If we keep this up any longer I will seriously not get to go to school today. 

"Well, 'A', you're not alone. You have us. And 'B', didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead." Stiles pointed out. 

"But Derek was already dead to us more times than is considered healthy and look at that he is still out there alive and bitchy as ever," I said back with a shrug. I have a feeling that Derek is not capable of dying. He must have some sort of immortality in him or some shit. 

"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha...they're not gonna kill him," Scott called from his bathroom. Yeah, I doubt you will find your phone there but okay. 

"All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter problem solved." Stiles said causing me to nod and point to him. 

"Love that plan." Scott suddenly threw his towel out of the bathroom which landed on my head. I squeaked slightly, not expecting the thing to land on me like that. Hearing Stiles chuckle before the towel was lifted from my head, leaving me with the messy pieces of hair sticking out on my head. 

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek!" Scott grumbled walking into the room. 

"Suddenly everyone wants Derek," I murmured, pushing Stiles' hand which was holding the towel away from my face. I feel uneasy enough knowing that Scott was using that towel after his shower. 

"I can't protect her on my own." Scott continued, rushing around the room, scavenging through every possible shelf and drawer in his room. "Which means we either find Derek first...just-just help me!" Scott said towards the two of us in a very panicked tone. Stiles and I shared a look, shaking our heads. The phone is obviously not here so trashing the place in the search for it would be foolish. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now