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"Um, so you are angry at Scott? and that's why I can't answer his texts?" I asked Stiles for clarification. He just broke the news to me that today we are not talking to Scott for some reason and he confiscated my phone when I was about to answer one of those twenty messages the werewolf has sent me today. Um...I kinda do need that explained. Call me old-fashioned but I can't just hold a grudge against someone that didn't do anything to me. At least that I know of. 

"No, WE are angry at Scott. It's plural. As in you and me." As nice as hearing you and me sounds coming from Stiles, I still don't get it. Why am I angry at Scott? 

"You might need to elaborate on that," I said nodding my head. Stiles sighed, lightly hitting the steering wheel. It is our normal average Saturday and we are heading to the supermarket to get something to eat. The idea was to aim mainly for the snacks for our movie marathon. Stiles made a sharp turn to the left causing me to move in my seat abruptly. Holy shit, calm down race-car racer. We are not a part of F1 now. 

"Mace, he ignored us the whole day." Stiles started listing out the things that Scott did wrong yesterday. "He bailed on school completely leaving us two to excuse his ass in front of everyone" Oh yes, that is also a good reason. Mr. Westover was particularly curious about that little fact and he kept on nagging me about it. I am not saying he is bad or anything, just a bit too curious for his own good. And his lessons are so boring...but I am getting off track here. 

"Okay, both of those are valid points but still why do we need to ignore him for that? Let's just yell at him, act a bit disappointed and then forgive and forget." I suggested, not really seeing the big deal about it. But I knew there must have been one. Stiles was acting weird. He even sounded weird on the phone when he called me he was waiting in the car. He usually comes inside to call me himself. It has to be something with what happened yesterday...maybe something at the parent/teacher conference...I would ask Newt but he went to work early this morning. 

"He is practically replacing us with Allison, Macey! We are literally the sideline now while the mainline has the Allison train in the main focus!" 

I stared at my best friend and crush in one person. Is he...jealous of Allison? "Stiles...um, what the fuck?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter. 

"No, I am not jealous Macey. I am simply pissed that all he ever cares about right now is some stupid girl whose father can just easily put a bullet through his head, stick an arrow up his ass, and then put his prepared werewolf head over the fireplace in their house as a decoration." What did he say? 

"You have this thought out into pretty terrifying details, don't you?" 

"That's not a point. He has completely changed. The old Scott wouldn't have ignored us." 

"Yeah, but the old Scott wasn't exactly a werewolf." I couldn't help but point out. 

"That's it. He has all these new abilities and all and yet he lets my dad just get hit by the car." Stiles ranted. My eyes widened when that sentence left his lips. Mr. Stilinki was hit by the car...and Scott didn't help? Oh hell no. 

"Oh yeah, we are so ignoring that guy." 


Stiles and I spent the whole weekend just ignoring Scott's calls and messages. Actually, I am getting pissed at him myself because he really has been pushing us on the side track just as Stiles had pointed out. The fact that we are his best friends now seems to mean next to nothing because every time we are together all he seems to focus on is Allison. Allison here, Allison there.  It's like that stupid kid song Old MacDonald had a farm. Ugh, it's all we ever hear about. Everything he does has to be about Allison. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now